Escape Under the Sea Chapter 16



  My advice is that he is a good liar. Be careful not to be cheated.

  Lu Jia stared blankly at Phoenix's back and then at the car with the punctured tires. For some reason, she suddenly remembered what the detective had said.

  He's lying to her.

  Phoenix had been lying to her all along!

  Lu Jia finally reacted. She was furious and strode towards Phoenix, who had just turned around.

  " You lied to me?!"

  Lu Jia stretched out her hand and pushed it hard against his chest, but Phoenix didn't move at all. She just calmly lowered her head and watched her 'make a mess' quietly.

  "Are you sick? Why didn't they come and get you right away? I think you're the mole!"

  Lu Jia shouted indignantly and angrily while crazily beating his chest.

  At this moment, she hated Phoenix, this lying dog man. She wished she could immediately send him to the police station and let him get what he deserved!

  Thinking of this, her eyes became moist and red. Although her palm hurt, the other party seemed to be unscathed.

  Lu Jia felt that she was being too kind. With clothes covering her chest, she should slap him!

  So she raised her hand high and swung it hard at Phoenix's cheek.

  However, perhaps Lu Jia's commotion was too loud, their actions attracted the attention of many tourists from afar.

  Lu Jia's hand didn't even have time to wave out when Phoenix firmly held her. Following her habit of exerting strength, he hugged her in his arms. His strong arm wrapped around her waist, and his other hand buried Lu Jia's tearful face in his arms. In the eyes of other passengers, it was like a considerate boyfriend comforting a girlfriend who suddenly lost her temper.


  Lu Jia struggled desperately and even screamed, but Phoenix was very proficient in controlling the human body. Every joint of her was fixed, and she could only make muffled sounds at his chest.

  A wave was quietly resolved, and everyone at the bottom of the valley shifted their gaze away and continued to wait for the cruise ship to enjoy the towering scenery on both sides of the Colorado River.

  Phoenix's slender fingers passed through Lu Jia's black hair and rubbed her head gently but forcefully. She seemed to feel Phoenix's chest shaking slightly and her breath burning hot." Sorry, Lu. We're pressed for time. I just want you to cooperate."

  Lu Jia no longer had the strength to resist at this moment. She only panted sadly and leaned weakly in his embrace.

  "…I want to go home. Why, why can't you let me go?"

  Lu Jia's voice was muffled. Phoenix's warm and hard chest was wet with tears.

  Perhaps the more she thought about it, the more desperate she became, Lu Jia couldn't help but cry.

  She felt that the man in front of her also fell silent. After a long time, so long that she had no strength left to cry, she sobbed and hiccupped. Lu Jia finally heard his deep and hoarse voice whispering.

  "I'm sorry…but I just want to live."

  Lu Jia didn't say anything.

  Phoenix didn't seem surprised by her indifference. Her Adam's apple moved up and down as if it was trembling weakly, but she couldn't see it. She could only feel his palm rubbing her head.

  "-I never told you they killed my mother in front of me."

  Lu Jia suddenly raised her head and looked at Phoenix in disbelief.

  …Was he lying to her again?

  "At that time, I didn't even have time to grieve. I could only escape in panic under the influence of conditioned reflex."

  " For a short moment, I only vaguely remember her suddenly stiff body and gradually losing her life in my arms."

  "She opened her mouth and tried to say something to me…but I had to let go of her hand."

  " Our relationship isn't good, but when everything happened and my hands were stained with her blood, that warm and sticky touch seemed to be engraved on my skin and would never fade."

  " They are far more powerful than you think. Once you reveal any clues, you will be hunted down like prey. There will be no chance to escape."


  Lu Jia shivered and her heart sank. She remained silent.

  This did not mean that she would easily forgive Phoenix just because of his words. She just suddenly realized that he had made a choice that was most beneficial to her, and at the same time, he had put her in endless danger.

  However, Lu Jia could only follow Phoenix on this unknown and dangerous escape journey. Even if they went to the ends of the earth, as long as he was still alive, Lu Jia, as the weaker party, had no ability to resist at all.

  She had also considered betraying Phoenix, thinking of ways to escape, and then going to the police station to call the police. After all, Lu Jia had indeed been coerced from beginning to end.

  However, this wasn't Lu Jia's homeland. In addition to the movies and television works she had seen in the past, Lu Jia was afraid that she would be involved in some terrible conspiracy because of Phoenix. In the end, she didn't dare to trust America completely.

  At least for now, Lu Jia could only choose to obey and then find an opportunity to escape.

  Perhaps sensing that Lu Jia had gradually calmed down, Phoenix slowly released her strong arms. She reached out and gently wiped away the tears on her face with her slightly rough thumb.

  Lu Jia turned her face to avoid it in disgust. Phoenix's well-defined hands could not help but freeze in place.

  In the next second, she heard her voice, hoarse from crying, slowly say,"…Before this journey ends, you must let me leave."

  As she spoke, she raised her pitch-black eyes, which had suddenly turned red and sharp. She appeared stubborn and determined.

  At the same time, she tiptoed and placed her palm gently and slowly on Phoenix's well-defined neck. Her soft and delicate hands were clearly not intimidating, but they were quietly placed on the man's most vulnerable place.

  "--otherwise, we might as well perish together."

  Phoenix paused slightly, and the warmth of her palm came from her neck. It was soft and boneless, but it could not be ignored.

  He was very surprised by Lu Jia's behavior. Even though such behavior still seemed ridiculous to Phoenix, a former excellent detective, he seemed to have realized for the first time that this girl was determined. Perhaps it was not just words.

  His breathing quickened for a moment, but it was not worth mentioning. Then, he sighed softly and promised her again," Don't worry, this is the promise I promised you from the beginning."

  "On that day, I will definitely let you go."

  After hearing Phoenix's words, Lu Jia retracted her hand and wiped her tears with the back of her hand. Then, she walked to the trunk and picked up the women's mountaineering suit.

  Lu Jia's voice was very cold at this moment, and there was even a trace of self-mockery." There's no one to help me. This set of clothes is actually mine, right?"


  Phoenix turned her head and looked at Lu Jia's face, which had become especially lively due to anger.

  Lu Jia took a deep breath. At this moment, she had completely given up on herself. She didn't care that Phoenix was beside her. She brought her clothes into the car with the roof open and crossed her hands to take off her T-shirt, revealing her fair skin and pink underwear.

  He quickly averted his gaze as if nothing had happened and walked to the direction of the tourists in the distance, shielding Lu Jia from any eyes that might be cast at him.

  There was only the faint sound of cloth rubbing against each other, hidden in the distant sound of the river and the howling wind.

  After a while, Lu Jia got out of the car. Then she opened the suitcase and took out the things that might be useful.

  Even if she really didn't want to leave anything behind, Lu Jia couldn't do anything about it... After all, they couldn't drag a suitcase through the Colorado Canyon.

  There weren't many useful things. Other than identification documents and necessities, Lu Jia also took a change of underwear and a T-shirt and stuffed them into her backpack. She put on two pairs of socks and a pair of hiking shoes that were one size too big. Only then did she walk to Phoenix with a dirty face.

  "What do you plan to do next?"

  Phoenix handed her the trekking stick that had punctured the tire and easily picked up her suitcase. He walked on the sandy yellow sand and walked to the edge of the cliff. He looked down at the seemingly calm but turbulent Colorado River.


  Phoenix was very restrained, so the sound of the suitcase falling was not obvious in the constant rushing of the river.

  Although Lu Jia was angry, she wasn't surprised by his behavior. She just watched her suitcase rise and fall along the current with mixed feelings, and then gradually sank into the turbid river water.

  Most tourists are so focused on waiting for the boat that even if one or two of them hear something behind the scenes, they can't see it when they turn around to look.

  "Let's go."

  Phoenix picked up the mountain bag that was stuffed full in the trunk and urged Lu Jia, who had an ugly expression.

  After Lu Jia quickly sized up her surroundings, she lowered her eyes and followed suit.

  He silently noticed Lu Jia's small movements and then took out a bottle of water from the side pocket of his backpack and handed it over." It's too hot. Drink some water."

  Lu Jia looked at Phoenix in surprise. She was indeed thirsty, but she remembered the embarrassing incident of almost not being able to find the toilet. In addition, she still had a grudge against him, so she declined coldly." No, thank you."

  " By the way, why are you heading west? More parts of the Grand Canyon are located in the east. Are you lost?"

  She studied geography, so it might be difficult for others to judge east, west, and north, but for Lu Jia, it was just a matter of taking a second look.

  West was the direction they had come from, which meant they were heading back.

  Phoenix, who was questioned, was not annoyed. Instead, she raised her eyebrows and looked at Lu Jia, who was slowly following her. She was slightly surprised that she could quickly form a clear understanding without looking at the map.

  Phoenix suddenly felt that he should not underestimate her like this anymore. He could not help but lower his eyes and chuckle helplessly.

  "-yes, that's where we're going."

  The author says:

  I think the chapter on going to the toilet in front of me is not quite right. It is changed to going to the town to find the toilet (sliding and kneeling).

  Alas, the male lead's view of the female lead has changed slightly.

  Originally, I wanted to write this chapter about two people surviving in the wilderness with red faces and heartbeats in the dangerous wilderness of deserted terrain. It seems that I have to write the next chapter.



The entire book has been translated, with a total of 205K words and more than 420 pages.

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