Escape Under the Sea Chapter 17

   ♪ Crossing the water ♪


  At noon, the weather became hotter and hotter. The scorching sun baked the earth. The ground was hard to walk on. Lu Jiashen followed Phoenix to the depths of the Colorado West Gorge, looking for places that few people had explored.

  She felt nothing at first, but at the end she felt so hot that she could hardly breathe.

  Glittering sweat ran down her forehead. Lu Jia's throat was dry and smoking. Her whole body was burning hot, and her backpack seemed to be falling continuously.

  - It was awful.

  Lu Jia panted tiredly and looked around from time to time.

  The red cliffs on both sides were bare and steep, and traces of different levels were washed away by the turbid yellow river water over a long period of time. Clusters of short shrubs could be seen in the gentle terrain, and sometimes a helicopter came from the sky, carrying tourists to stop at the bottom of the valley not far away.

  Colorado Grand Canyon is located in Arizona, and Las Vegas environment is similar, is the standard subtropical continental dry climate, day and night temperature difference is very large, before in the car has not been so obvious feeling, but when Lujia and Phoenix carry bags for a long time in such a hot environment walking will feel shaky.

  At this time, they were walking along a bumpy path to the scenic spot on the mountain, passing only a few tourists along the way.

  Halfway through, Phoenix paused, waiting until there were no tourists in front of him or behind him. He carefully stepped into the undeveloped, irregular land beside the path. Then he turned his head frequently to signal Luka to follow.

  Lu Jia panted as she lowered her center of gravity and walked forward. At the same time, she kept paying attention to her surroundings. Phoenix obviously didn't take her along the main road because the mountain range blocked the sunlight. She could even see some trees full of greenery.

  She felt even more thirsty. Her constitution was not very good, and now she felt even more dizzy under the sun. The hair under her hat stuck to her forehead, and she sweated a lot. Her chest was also heaving violently.

  Lu Jia gritted her teeth and persisted. She deliberately didn't think about the remaining half bottle of water in her bag. Instead, she struggled to stay behind Phoenix and walked from the shaded area to the bare and barren sun again.

  They seem to be moving away from the Colorado River to avoid detection.

  However, Lu Jia wasn't in the mood to judge the direction at this moment, because the terrain in the distance had gradually changed from flat to bumpy. The gradually larger red stones overlapped with each other, and once she stepped on the wrong one, she might fall from above and get injured.

  She wasn't in a good state to begin with, and seeing that they might want to " take an unusual path," Lu Jia's body gradually became limp, as if all her power had been extracted from her body.

  Long hours of sun exposure, lack of water and exhaustion caused Luka to suffer heatstroke.

  But in fact, at least in terms of water scarcity, she did it on purpose.

  Along the way, Lu Jia realized that Phoenix didn't seem to be satisfied with her speed. This made her suddenly think that if she became a burden to him, would he choose to abandon her?

  However, Lu Jia also knew that Phoenix wasn't easy to fool. Thanks to the embarrassing incident that happened when she went to the toilet, she thought of a way to deliberately suffer heatstroke.

  After he walked far away, Lu Jia quickly took out the water from her backpack to quench her thirst, thus successfully escaping his control.

  Of course, this was somewhat dangerous. If Lu Jia fell unconscious after suffering heatstroke, and no passing tourists could discover her in time, she might fall into an even more dangerous situation.

  So Luka couldn't go any further.

  She was not in such a bad state when she collapsed at first. However, perhaps she was lying on the ground, bathed in the blinding sunlight, and felt the surface of the ground so hot that it could almost cook a person. The half-real heatstroke was almost real.

  Lu Jia's vision became blurry and dark. Fear immediately enveloped Lu Jia's heart, but his five senses were still rapidly withdrawn and helpless.

  No way... The consequences seemed to be more serious than she had imagined. Lu Jia felt as if she was about to die.


  An hour after getting out of the car and hiking, Phoenix suddenly heard a muffled sound behind her. It sounded like something heavy had fallen to the ground.

  He suddenly turned around and realized that Lu Jia had suddenly fainted on the ground.

  Phoenix immediately ran to Lu Jia's side after realizing that the situation had changed. With just a glance, he could tell that she was suffering from heatstroke.

  So he immediately squatted down and carefully held her in his arms. He pulled Lu Jia back to the shadow of a stone edge at the bottom of the path. At the same time, he took out the water from his bag and slowly poured the bottle out at the corner of Lu Jia's mouth.

  Lu Jia's lips were tightly pressed together. The clear and transparent liquid flowed down her delicate chin and wet her collar.

  Phoenix immediately frowned and shifted her posture slightly to lean Lu Jia against her thigh better. At the same time, she quickly took off her hat and reached out to untie the collar on her chest, trying to dissipate heat for her.


  The zipper had just slid down to her chest when Phoenix's movements immediately stopped. The milky white fullness and softness formed a sharp contrast with the strawberry powder. For a moment, there was a very strong contrast. Only then did he remember that she had taken off her T-shirt before wearing the hiking suit.

  Thinking of this, Phoenix frowned and quickly averted her gaze. She decided to give priority to solving the problem of drinking water for Lu Jia.

  Phoenix pinched Lu Jia's chin with her thumb and index finger, wanting her to open her mouth to drink.

  However, for some reason, Lu Jia's mouth was tightly shut and she was unwilling to open it.


  Phoenix repeated her name in her ear, trying to wake her up and get her to cooperate.

  However, Lu Jia's eyelashes trembled slightly. She struggled to open her eyes, but she couldn't wake up from her coma. She only muttered vaguely, as if she was crying silently," Lao... Lao Lu..."

  Phoenix couldn't make out what she was saying for a moment. It sounded like a name.

  For some reason, his memory suddenly returned to the time when they first met. Lu Jia said that she wanted him to help her find someone.

  Maybe she was shouting that person's name.

  However, this matter was not important. What was important was that if Lu Jia still kept her mouth shut and refused to drink water, she might really die.

  Should we leave her?

  Phoenix could not help but sigh.


  In her daze, she seemed to see a tall outline under the backlight. The other party was calling her noisily, and she did not know what he was saying.

  His body…felt uncomfortable. His whole body was burning.

  She's not really gonna die because of this, is she?

  For some reason, she thought of Lu Lu, Lu Jia's father who had been missing for four years.

  But Lu Jia hadn't found the old path yet, so she couldn't die yet.

  But... but she couldn't drink water until she confirmed that damn Phoenix...

  Her memory suddenly blurred, and Lu Jia couldn't remember anything at all. She was only subconsciously controlled by her most instinctive consciousness.

  She was so thirsty that she had never wanted rain so much.

  At this moment, Lu Jia felt as if she had fallen into a boiling abyss that would never end. She was tightly wrapped by something that she could not get rid of and could not move. She only felt a slight chill in her chest, but this was far from enough.

  Water... where's the water?

  At the same time as this thought occurred to her, Lu Jia's vision seemed to be blocked out. Something gently lifted her chin, and a familiar and aggressive aura rushed towards her.

  Wet and tentative touches, just simply sticking together.

  The dry and white lips easily gave up their initial persistence after being moistened by a small amount of moisture. The lips were slightly opened, dark red and soft, and they tried to find more tongue contact with the thin lips with a small mouth. The rain moistened the two people in the hot sun at the same time, causing the trembling to spread slowly from then on.

  Lu Jia had never thought that drinking water would be such a happy expression. She raised her hand to hold the "water source", but failed because she was exhausted. She let out an anxious and weak groan.

  Another hoarse and low sigh came from beside her ear. However, Lu Jia didn't have time to react to where the voice came from, and the touch on her lips quickly left her.

  Luca's lips remained slightly open, and her tongue stuck to her lips, still dry as hell.

  Just a sip of water was still unable to wake her up. Lu Jia was in a daze and anxious, but she could not express her thoughts at all. She could only frown and lick her still dry lips.

  However, just when she thought that the rain was just an accidental gift, the next second, a soft and slightly hot familiar touch hit her lips again. That thing seemed to be alive as it gently sucked on her tongue, using it as a lure, and then poured the clear liquid over.

  Lu Jia's tongue was numb, and her whole person became a little more awake because of this. She only felt as if there was someone who she could not resist enveloping her and giving her what she wanted the most at this moment.

  ... who was it?

  At first she felt a terrible fear that some strange bad person would come after her.

  Therefore, when she gradually realized that Phoenix was feeding her water, Lu Jia subconsciously heaved a sigh of relief.

  ... in a way, it wasn't the first time their lips had touched, so it was nothing compared to worse.

  What made her even more puzzled was that this extremely selfish man didn't leave her directly at this moment. Instead, he fed her water one mouthful at a time. He experienced it in fear. Other than accidentally touching Lu Jia's tongue at the beginning, he was very " polite " afterwards.

  Wasn't he afraid that those people would catch up to him? Doesn't he find himself a burden?

  In Lu Jia's short life, it seemed that everyone would eventually despise her and abandon her. She never expected Phoenix to be the only one who didn't do so.

  Or did Phoenix still have some conscience after all, just because she didn't want to see her faint like that?

  ... complicated emotions.

  Phoenix probably sensed that Lu Jia was awake, so she stopped drinking water. She quickly wiped away the water stains on the corner of her mouth with the back of her hand, frowned, and looked away. She stuffed the water in her hand into Lu Jia's arms.

  "You're awake?"

  "Drink it yourself."


The entire book has been translated, with a total of 205K words and more than 420 pages.

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