Escape Under the Sea Chapter 20

   * Escape *

  That person was slightly fat, had long black hair, and his skin was slightly dark. He looked like a standard Indian. He shouted angrily, but he spoke too fast and was too far away. Lu Jia was shocked and couldn't hear him clearly for a moment.

  The cruise ship was fixed to the shore by an iron chain. It was not large in itself, similar to a yacht that could carry more people. Phoenix naturally could not open it without a key. Perhaps it was because of this that the staff responsible for the cruise ship forgot to remove the key from the ship.

  Phoenix didn't care about the chain anymore. He had already used both hands to pull the chain tightly and tried to pull it backwards with all his strength.

  From Lu Jia's perspective, she could even see that one of the chains on the shore was quickly distorted and broken.

  "Quick…get on the boat!"

  Lu Jia had just opened her mouth to remind her in a low voice when she realized Phoenix had relaxed her muscles and quietly loosened her grip on the iron chain. She carefully placed the chain on the ground without making a sound.

  At the same time, he raised his hands above his head and shouted in the direction of the southern Indians,"Sorry, we have my car stolen, so I want to get out of here by boat... we can pay!"

  He turned his head and looked at her, his eyes wide open.

  He was a man of great courage, and he was a man of great courage, and a man of great courage.

  That man had a gun!

  Realizing this, Lu Jia immediately crouched down in fear and hid her face in the boat. However, in order to increase Phoenix's persuasiveness, she added," It's true. Our car was stolen!"

  Probably because he heard a woman's voice in the boat, the Indian hesitated. The anger on his face faded a little. He did not know when he had arrived at the docking place of the wooden ship. The wooden boards on it creaked with every step he took.

  "Hey! Don't come over yet. I see the gun in your hand!"

  Phoenix held out her hand warily to him, acting as if she were an untrained human being.

  The Indian paused slightly. He was about a few dozen meters away from them. He put the gun in his hand behind his waist and tried to explain," I just saw you sneaking around the boat…I didn't want to shoot."

  Phoenix stood beside the boat and turned around to glance at Lu Jia, who was hiding in the boat but still peeping her head out. Suddenly, she reached out her hand and pressed her head down as if nothing had happened. However, she continued to ask.

  "You know how to sail, right? I think you want to earn some extra money? Just take us to Hoover Dam."

  Hoover Dam is only half an hour away from Las Vegas, and it is one of the most famous scenic spots Lu Jia planned to visit after visiting Las Vegas.

  - If there are no special circumstances.

  "Your car was stolen, but your money wasn't stolen?"

  Although Phoenix was tall and strong and looked threatening, there was a girl whose face could not be seen beside him. This helped him raise his score a little, and the Indian seemed to believe him.

  However, he seemed to want to confirm the deal.

  Phoenix took out four to five hundred dollars from his pants pocket." These are just deposits. What do you think?"

  A cruise ship seems to cost only a few tens of dollars per person. The other party should be willing to do it, right?

  Unexpectedly, the Indian shook his head.

  "It's a four-hour boat ride to Hoover Reservoir, and if the boat gets shipped off without anyone knowing, I'll have to help you get rid of the other guys. I'll have to pay at least five thousand dollars before I can consider it."

  Even Lu Jia's expression turned ugly. Five thousand dollars? Why didn't he rob it?

  Phoenix fell silent. He turned his head and glanced at Lu Jia, who was hiding in the boat. He whispered to her," You turn the key."

  Lu Jia was stunned for a moment. She nodded quietly and then carefully climbed toward the bow of the ship. She reached out and turned the key on the ship. The ship immediately let out a roaring engine sound, but she didn't know how to start the ship.

  Phoenix, on the other hand, ran up and jumped onto the boat.

  The ship started shaking violently because of this. Lu Jia's body tilted and fell to the side. Her slightly sideways body happened to see the Indian behind her angrily pull out the gun behind her and aim in their direction.

  "Don't move, or I'll rob you!"

  Lu Jia was immediately shocked. She was so afraid that she couldn't even say a word. She reached out and wanted to pull Phoenix, who was standing beside her, to the side.

  However, as soon as she touched Phoenix's wrist, she heard a loud bang and a loud gunshot.

  This was the first time she heard gunshots from a close distance. The sound seemed to have penetrated Lu Jia's body, causing her entire body to become extremely cold and stiff, and her brain was almost blank.

  Phoenix immediately bent his back in the direction Lu Jia was pulling him. He pulled Lu Jia down with one hand and pushed her to the center of the narrow bottom of the boat, while placing his other hand on the back of her head.

  Reason told him that the other party might just want to fire a warning shot, but Phoenix did not dare to gamble. The instinctive reaction that had been engraved into his body for a long time made him do the most cautious thing.

  When Lu Jia's body fell down, she accidentally crashed heavily into the back of the chair. She couldn't help but frown and wail. She felt that she had lost her balance and turned upside down.

  Fortunately, Phoenix supported the back of her head when he pulled her. Phoenix's palm cushioned her when she fell to the ground, so her head didn't bump like the last time she met an agent at the motel.

  Phoenix pressed Lu Jia down heavily. In the narrow space, the two of them looked at each other at close range and were caught off guard.

  Lu Jia was so stunned that she didn't have time to react.

  But now, they couldn't afford to waste time. Perhaps because of years of professional training and actual combat, Phoenix's reaction speed was much faster than Lu Jia's. He was only stunned for a moment before he immediately let go of Lu Jia's hand. He supported Lu Jia's body and quickly raised his head to look outside the ship.

  The middle-aged Indian man was running toward the ship at a high speed. He was only thirty to fifty meters away. Even though it was not easy to walk here, Phoenix did not dare to gamble because he had a gun.

  Therefore, he didn't care about comforting Lu Jia who was lying on the ground. He jumped up to the bow of the ship, fumbled for the engine, and pushed the long pole beside him.

  Lu Jia didn't dare to raise her head at this moment. On one hand, she was afraid of being shot. On the other hand, a possibility flashed through her mind. If she encountered a boat thief, would the Indian call the police?

  If the police were to call, Phoenix's description of the prism-a white male and an Asian female partner-would be too obvious for them to be located quickly.

  No wonder Phoenix had been pressing her head just now. He must have been prepared.

  Thinking of this, she immediately did not dare to move. She maintained her posture on the ground. Her eyes suddenly touched the iron chain that had fallen on the shore. She was afraid that the Indians behind her would pull the chain back. She immediately reached out and tried to pull it back.

  The ship shook violently, but at the same time, Lu Jia heard the creaking footsteps approaching the ship.

  "You can't run away-"

  Before he could finish speaking, the cruise ship finally moved forward.

  The Indian quickly reached out his hand, trying to grab the iron chain that had not been completely pulled back by Luka, but she, who had always lowered her head, suddenly threw it away and slipped out of his hand.

  "Damn it!"

  The other party cursed angrily and fired two more shots at them.

  This time, he was even closer to his target.

  Lu Jia covered her head with her hands and lay on the bottom of the boat in fear, while Phoenix lowered her head to avoid it.

  The glass in front of the ship was broken.

  Phoenix's gaze quickly swept across Lu Jia, who was trembling from fear. His breathing suddenly became rapid, and his hand quickly placed on the handle of the gun hanging on his back, ready to retaliate at any moment.

  However, when he turned around, he saw that the Indian behind him had already given up shooting. Instead, he was holding the key in a hurry as if he wanted to unlock the iron chain. However, due to his anxiety, he could not aim the lock at the keyhole. It seemed that he wanted to chase them by boat. Only then did he slowly withdraw his hand from his waist.

  In an instant, the distance between them was greatly increased.

  "We'll leave the boat at Hoover Dam, remember to pick it up!"

  Phoenix shouted at the Indians behind him as he drove the boat. Then, he lowered his head and looked at Lu Jia, who was still in shock. He couldn't help but sigh. While paying attention to controlling the boat, he bent down and extended his hand to Lu Jia.

  "He didn't see your face, did he?"

  Lu Jia was in a daze at this moment. Her heart had never beat so fast before. She felt that she was crazy. She actually helped Phoenix snatch the boat from the Indians.

  Not only that, they went from Las Vegas to the Grand Canyon West Gap and back to Las Vegas, revealing the location of their route to the Indian.

  Could Phoenix really escape?

  Lu Jia really doubted whether she could return to China smoothly.

  More importantly, she was really fed up with helping a strange man against the world without knowing anything!

  Lu Jia had to figure out what was going on.

  However, Lu Jia suddenly calmed down. She struggled to stand up from the bottom of the boat and sat behind Phoenix with a pale face." I didn't let him see my face... but you have to be honest with me. Where is your destination?"

  "I swear I won't tell anyone…I just, just…it feels like there's no end to it."

  Phoenix glanced at the Colorado River, its overlapping red, bare cliffs receding, its narrow, murky current carrying them forward, the morning sun beginning to bite, and she might have been overwhelmed if it hadn't been for the awning above.

  Thinking of this, he turned his head to look at Lu Jia, who was slumped on the chair. She raised her head at this moment, her eyes revealing uneasiness and fear.

  Phoenix hesitated for a long time before finally saying," I want to go to California. You can fly back to China from Los Angeles."

  Lu Jia frowned."California? Don't you think they'll catch you when you get to California?"


  Phoenix didn't continue answering Lu Jia's question. Instead, she looked at the river ahead.

  "Sleep for a while. It will take a few hours."

  Lu Jia suddenly felt very annoyed. Her intentions were too obvious, which obviously aroused Phoenix's vigilance.

  But why did they capture Phoenix?

  Was it because Phoenix had broken some incredible secret?

  Lu Jia's heart suddenly beat fast. Although she knew that this matter might be very dangerous, she had been with Phoenix for so long. It was impossible for the people who captured him to believe that she really knew nothing.

  Since that was the case, he might as well…control the situation as much as possible.


  Dominica Skye and his team arrived in Grand Canyon National Park by helicopter according to Luka's tour itinerary.

  They didn't even consider Colorado West Canyon because it was a newly built scenic spot and wasn't under the jurisdiction of the national park. The ticket price was expensive and the scenery was ordinary. Most Americans would not visit this place.

  However, even if their goal was clear, they had already reported that Lu Jia had not checked into her hotel at all, as if she had suddenly disappeared with Phoenix.

  We've lost another lead.

  But Dominica couldn't help it. Without a more accurate source, they were still heading in the right direction.

  However, Dominica stared at Lu Jia's entry and exit photos tightly. It seemed that he suddenly thought of something and immediately dialed the phone. He gave two tasks to the Intelligence Department on the phone.

  First, get all the social accounts of this girl and try to get all her recent chat records; second, search keywords in the United States. As long as it is related to "a white male and an Asian female" in the case of matching time and place, all relevant information must be collected and reported to him.

  It takes four hours to get from Las Vegas to Grand Canyon National Park, and that's enough time for them to do a lot of things.

  When Dominica arrived at Grand Canyon National Park and still found nothing, the intelligence service quickly sent new feedback.

  First, they really intercepted the message sent by Lujia a day ago, translated it and sent it to Dominica.

  'Divine Lady…Can you read my fortune again?'

  Although Dominica couldn't understand the meaning of this sentence, along with this sentence, they also accurately located the geographical location when Lu Jia sent the message.

  At a motel between Las Vegas and Grand Canyon National Park, she connected to WiFi there.

  Dominica was overjoyed and decided to go there immediately.

  But before leaving Grand Canyon National Park, he asked the Intelligence Service again.

  "What about the second point? Have you found any keywords for a white male and an Asian female in the last two days?"

  "Sorry Sir. This message has not been received by the system."

  " Alright…You guys continue to keep an eye on it. Tell me immediately if there's anything!"

  But what Dominica didn't know was that, by accident, he and his target, Caspar Phoenix, were getting closer geographically.


  - On the other side, Colorado West Canyon.

  This Indian male, Jacob, sat angrily at the nearest police station, recording a confession.

  He did his best to describe the physical characteristics of the man who robbed their boat.

  " That white male is about six feet tall. He's wearing a mountaineering suit. He's…well, he's quite handsome. He has a straight nose and deep eye sockets…"

  The police officer at the border between Arizona and Nevada recorded Jacob's confession into the computer perfunctorily." There are too many men with this characteristic."

  "Oh right, there was another woman with him."

  The detective asked casually," Then, what does that woman look like? Does she have any characteristics?"

  Jacob's mind went blank. He tried hard to think for a long time, but in the end, he stammered," That woman was wearing a mountaineering suit too. She wasn't tall, I guess she was only five feet tall…As for what she looked like, I don't think I could see clearly…"

  "All right, all right."

  The policeman yawned." But you said earlier that he would park the boat at Hoover Dam and return it to you. Then you can drive over and wait. Wouldn't that be enough to catch him?"

  Jacob felt that the other party's words made sense, but he suddenly realized something.

  "Wait, won't you come with me?"

  The police officer was stunned for a moment before laughing out loud.

  Holding his stomach, he pulled out a map of the West from his desk and quickly located Hoover Dam on the map. It was on a dotted line."Sir, half of Hoover Dam is in Nevada."

  Jacob was stunned." What do you mean?"

  " Interstate case, you have to call the FBI."


  "But they wouldn't accept such a trivial case."

  The author says:

  This article can really kill me, most of the time spent here QAQ

  The next chapter will be updated in the early hours of tomorrow morning, depending on the situation. It may be greatly advanced or greatly delayed



The entire book has been translated, with a total of 205K words and more than 420 pages.

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