Escape Under the Sea Chapter 19

   ◎ Sleeping bag for two (minor repair) ◎

  The sky had completely darkened. This place was too close to Las Vegas, the city that never sleeps. The light pollution was slightly severe, so there was almost no starlight in the dark blue sky.

  Lu Jia was only wearing thin climbing clothes at this time. Her suitcase had already been thrown into the Colorado River by Phoenix, and only a change of summer clothes was left in her backpack.

  Desert sand has a smaller heat capacity, so heat dissipates faster at night, and the valley winds that are still hot during the day have quietly changed.

  She could already sense a chill in the middle of the night.

  That's not good.

  Lu Jia hugged her shoulders. In the end, she gritted her teeth, took off her shoes, patted the dust off her body, and decided to give up her so-called persistence. She turned around and entered the tent.

  Phoenix was sitting inside tidying up the sleeping bag that Lu Jia had bought. When he saw her enter, he only looked up at her and lowered his head to continue tidying up.

  The wind poured into the tent fiercely, causing the entire space to shake gently. Lu Jia pulled up the zipper of the tent in embarrassment and sat in the narrow tent, speechless with Phoenix.

  For a man of Phoenix's size, even though he had deliberately arched his back and his movements were restrained, his head would still touch the top of the tent from time to time. For Lu Jia, the space was still suitable.

  - If she was alone.

  In the darkness, the wind whistled outside the tent, and the skin touched the edge of the plastic sheet of the tent. At this time, the two people sat cross-legged at both ends of the tent, as far as possible away from each other.

  But even if they tried their best, they were only twenty or thirty centimeters apart.

  The interior and exterior seemed to have formed two completely different worlds. The sound of breathing was amplified, and the air inside was relatively warm. Being in the same space with a tall and strong man like Phoenix made Lu Jia feel very uncomfortable.

  But the crushing thing is that sharing a space is only the beginning, because they have to sleep in the same sleeping bag at night.

  Phoenix had already laid out her sleeping bag. Ignoring Lu Jia's gaze, she directly lifted the top layer of fabric and went inside. Her back was facing her, ready to sleep.

  Lu Jia saw him wearing his clothes and entering. She also felt that this was a good idea, so she gathered her clothes and followed him in.

  Fortunately, the sleeping bag itself had a large space. The two of them turned back to back at both ends of the sleeping bag and did not touch each other at all.

  Lu Jia, who had been worried, was very satisfied with the current situation. Although she bought the wrong sleeping bag, in fact, they did not interfere with each other. Obviously, this was not a fatal mistake at all.

  Lu Jia felt much better, and her slightly cold body gradually warmed up because of the sleeping bag.

  Unlike before, when she was hunched over and sleeping, this time she could finally lie down. Although the ground was still very hard after two layers of padding, Lu Jia, who was uncomfortable all over, was no longer picky.

  As long as she didn't think about sleeping in the same sleeping bag as Phoenix, she wouldn't be the one who was embarrassed!

  Thinking of this, Lu Jia closed her eyes tightly and decided to sleep early. It was best to sleep until the next morning.

  And so a new day begins.

  Day by day, she would be able to escape Phoenix and return home on the last day of her journey!


  Night enveloped the two of them in the tent. For some reason, they were clearly about to fall asleep, but the wind in their ears grew stronger and stronger.

  The tent's plastic sheet made a wheezing sound. Perhaps it was because Lu Jia had already slept for a while in the afternoon, and she was about to fall asleep several times. As a result, she was pulled out of her deeper sleep by the sudden noise.

  Do you want to sleep or not, in a daze.

  It was as if he was floating in the endless deep sea, floating and floating.

  At first, Lu Jia slept comfortably.

  However, after an unknown amount of time, this bottomless sea gradually revealed its fangs to Lu Jia, especially her lower legs and upper body. It seemed as if she was immersed in ice water. The heat dissipated, and even if she kept curling up, it was useless.

  It's cold... It's cold.

  Especially her neck and back, which seemed to have been torn out of a huge hole. Cold wind kept pouring in, and Lu Jia felt like she was about to freeze.

  She felt more and more uncomfortable. Her whole body felt like she was falling into an ice cave. She subconsciously hugged herself tightly. Even her skin was cold.

  Lu Jia, who was half-asleep, really didn't understand what had happened. She could only listen to her instincts and explore. Even though she didn't know what she was looking for.

  Very soon, Lu Jia felt as if there was a heat source scattered behind her. It was like a small sun. She subconsciously reached out her hand to feel behind her, eager to hold it tightly to keep herself warm.

  However, not long after she touched the hot source of heat beside her, her slightly cold hand was grabbed by her alertly. After a slight pause, the other party wrapped her palm in it.

  "Lu…? Lu, wake up."

  At the same time, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in her ears. She felt a heat coming from somewhere in her palm. She was about to fall asleep again, and her sleepy eyes slowly opened.

  Lu Jia struggled to turn her sore neck. Her waist was almost numb from lying on her side for a long time. She frowned and sighed softly. After a while, she slowly turned around and narrowed her eyes to look at Phoenix, who was calling her name behind her.

  "No, Lou, your hands are cold. You'll get sick if your sleeping bag leaks."

  Lu Jia, who was gradually waking up, took a while to recover before finally figuring out the situation with her sleepy brain.

  ... Phoenix.

  They are now sleeping in a small tent in Colorado's West Canyon, sharing the same sleeping bag.

  Lu Jia woke up a little.

  If they each slept in a small sleeping bag that just wrapped around their bodies, it would be enough to withstand the cold of the Colorado Canyon at night.

  However, the two of them bought sleeping bags for two people, and they slept at the opposite ends. The space pulled back to back leaked, and the heat dissipated. In this way, the entire sleeping bag did not have any effect.

  No wonder she felt so cold.

  Lu Jia thought drowsily.

  Her lips and throat were dry, and she was sore all over. She began to worry that she would get sick because of it.

  This place was far from the village and far from the store. Phoenix refused to let her go, so Lu Jia would be the only one suffering.

  Phoenix obviously realized this as well. He couldn't help but sigh and move closer to Lu Jia." We're all wearing clothes. Come closer."

  Lu Jia didn't know how long she had slept, but she felt even more tired and sleepy when she woke up. She didn't have the energy to analyze this sentence, so she could only subconsciously follow Phoenix's instructions.

  Therefore, she half-closed her eyes and slowly moved toward the man facing her.

  Lu Jia's head nestled into Phoenix's warm and firm chest. Her slender hands skillfully searched for a gap, drilled into his waist, and subconsciously hugged him tightly.

  Although there was a layer of fabric between them, and there was still some wind behind them, the heat emitted by the muscular man beside her made Lu Jia, who was staring blankly, sigh.

  It's warm.

  Probably because she finally found a comfortable human pillow and an artificial baby warmer, Lu Jia's brain immediately shut down. Her mind, which had finally been awake, failed to resist and fell back into an endless sleep.

  Phoenix could also see Lu Jia's gentle and delicate facial curves at a place close to him. Her breath and body intertwined, and even the tip of her nose was about to touch.

  It was almost unimaginable that Lu Jia trusted him so much. Phoenix felt that she was still not awake enough just now, so she allowed herself to lie dangerously in a man's arms.

  Fortunately, it was him.

  Phoenix had been extremely cold in this area for decades due to his severe cleanliness and psychological shadow. He had always been very strong in controlling his body.

  However…perhaps because he was on the run and had experienced too many situations that he could not imagine in the past, Phoenix could no longer be so particular, causing him to feel that things were out of control for the first time.

  In the dark and quiet night, Phoenix felt the touch in her arms. Her protruding Adam's apple trembled and her throat was extremely thirsty.

  At this moment, Lu Jia, who had fallen asleep, changed her posture at this moment. The tip of her nose happened to be close to Phoenix's neck, and her warm breath continued to attack his fragile and sensitive skin.

  Lu Jia, who had been sleeping restlessly, finally fell into a deep sleep. Her slightly cold body gradually warmed up, but Phoenix seemed to have woken up.

  ... crazy.


  Lu Jia was awakened by Phoenix.

  She didn't know what had happened last night, but it had been so cold in the middle of the night that she couldn't stop trembling.

  However, in the middle of the night, Lu Jia felt as if she had dreamed of returning home to a warm bed. Beside her, there was an oversized bear doll that provided her with intimate sleep services.

  She was asleep, but the bear doll seemed to have suddenly transformed into a tall and familiar man. He was pushing her away expressionlessly.

  ... why does he look like Phoenix?

  Thinking of this, Lu Jia suddenly woke up. She suddenly opened her eyes and looked at Phoenix, who was pulling her shoulder, with her moist eyes.

  Wait, why are you pulling her shoulder?

  Lu Jia suddenly felt that something was wrong with the situation. She had a very bad premonition. Thinking of this, she suddenly looked down. After seeing the posture of the two of them, Lu Jia suddenly became unwell.

  She clearly remembered that the two of them had slept on opposite ends of the sleeping bag last night, but she did not know why they were hugging each other tightly.

  To be precise, Lu Jia hugged Phoenix's waist tightly and did not let go. She just shrank into his embrace.

  Not only that, Lu Jia's legs were raised high for some reason, as if she were at home. She placed them on Phoenix's legs generously.

  If they hadn't worn clothes last night, Lu Jia would have suspected that something that shouldn't have happened to them last night. Even though they looked a little wrinkled now, their mountaineering clothes were still there.

  Lu Jia quickly let go of Phoenix and decided to pretend that she didn't know anything.

  She struggled to sit up, trying to climb out of her sleeping bag and leave the cramped tent.

  Just as she was about to prop herself up, the stiffness caused by maintaining the same posture for a long time made Lu Jia's arms weak. Her slender body crashed straight into Phoenix's embrace.

  - Help! She really didn't do it on purpose…This arm was really asleep!

  Lu Jia's face crashed hard into Phoenix's firm chest. He seemed to subconsciously want to support her, but his hot hands held her waist in a panic.

  She was ticklish, especially around her waist, very ticklish.

  Coincidentally, because of Lu Jia's haphazard sleeping position, the climbing suit was slightly rolled up, which was not covered by cloth.

  The moment Lu Jia placed his wide, hot hands, that strange, distinct sense of flexibility and uncertainty seemed to have been electrocuted. His hair stood on end and he bounced back like a cat with fur on its head.

  Previously, when she was restrained by her arms through her clothes, Lu Jia didn't feel this way.

  She couldn't help but scream, but perhaps because she had just woken up, her hoarse voice sounded lazy and charming, as if she was…

  Lu Jia suddenly thought of the voice of a couple separated by a wall in the motel with Phoenix.


  She suddenly realized that her cry was a little abrupt and awkward, so she immediately lowered her head and ignored her stiff arms. She unzipped her zipper and walked out of the tent.

  The huge morning sun outside the tent had just left the horizon, revealing a vibrant orange-red shadow that fell on the rocks of Colorado Canyon, shocking and majestic.

  The rays of light passed through the gaps in the canyon, and the piercing light was holy and full of power. It happened to fall on her body.

  Lu Jia paused slightly and patted her flushed cheeks. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath of fresh air.

  Compared to everything in nature, what happened before was just an accident.

  In a few days…In a few days, she and Phoenix would part ways.


  Phoenix soon came out of the tent. He sat half inside, his long legs outside the tent, and he held his backpack to organize the things inside the tent.

  The scenic spot here didn't open to the public until after nine o'clock. Lu Jia didn't understand why he woke her up so early.

  Although she had doubts in her heart, Lu Jia still took the initiative to help Phoenix organize it.

  It took them more than half an hour to gather up the scattered necessities and tents, and then simply rinse them with a little mineral water.

  The atmosphere was awkward.

  However, in view of the doubts in her heart, Lu Jia still turned her head to look at Phoenix beside her." Where are we going next? You can't sleep here all the time, right?"

  Phoenix didn't say anything. Instead, she raised her eyes and looked at the Colorado River flowing westward at the bottom of the valley.

  "Let's go to the shore first."

  Lu Jia hesitated in her heart. In fact, she had wanted to ask Phoenix why she suddenly changed direction and headed west.

  She had bought a ticket to Yancheng Lake to return home, so she should have gone all the way northeast. In this way, she would have gone further and further.

  Lu Jia had said before that she could change her flight, but that meant changing the time. It was almost impossible to change the airport.

  However, Lu Jia knew very well that Phoenix would never let her go easily, so she could only swallow all the worries in her heart.

  At this time, the sky was already bright, but because it was still early, there was still no one in the West Canyon Scenic Area. Phoenix pulled Lu Jia back to the original path for tourists and walked all the way to the bottom of the valley.

  After Lu Jia woke up, she only drank a little water. It had been more than ten hours since she last ate yesterday afternoon.

  At first, it felt nothing, but as I walked, I felt hungry and heavy.

  There were only a few cans in their backpacks, not many of them, and obviously not a good breakfast choice.

  Lu Jia's gaze suddenly stopped on a few cacti not far away. She had an idea." Can I borrow your knife?"

  Phoenix turned around and glanced at Lu Jia, who was barely following behind her. She also stopped and followed Lu Jia's gaze to understand what she meant. She took out a knife from her pants pocket and cut a large piece of the cactus. Then, she carefully cut it in half from the middle and handed Lu Jia half.

  Lu Jia was so hungry that her legs were weak. At this moment, she didn't care about the thorns on her back. She took a small bite from the edge... It tasted a little like a cucumber, but it was juicy.

  Lu Jia stuffed something into her stomach and recovered some of her strength. She followed Phoenix and continued walking down the road. They followed the signs to the cruise ship.

  Phoenix's gaze quickly swept across these small cruise ships and soon focused on one of the ships with a key in it.

  "Lu, get on the boat."


  Lu Jia was surprised. She realized that Phoenix seemed to want to sneak off on the cruise ship, so she hesitated and walked up. However, the morality cultivated in civilized society still made her feel a little bad.

  Phoenix, perhaps sensing something, explained,"I'll pay for it. They'll find it along the riverbank."

  Lu Jia heaved a sigh of relief, then asked him nervously from the swaying hull," So, this boat... can you drive it?"

  Phoenix carefully looked around while trying to untie the rope fixed to the shore." I'll try."

  "…Try it?"

  Lu Jia suddenly felt even more anxious." If it really doesn't work, we should be able to float along the current?"

  Phoenix did not answer immediately. Instead, he continued to sneak around the shore, trying to take the ship for himself.

  "Fortunately, there's no one here now. Otherwise, we-"

  "Hey! Damn it…"

  Suddenly, an angry shout came from afar, forming overlapping echoes in the valley.

  Lu Jia turned around in panic and saw a tall, tanned man shouting angrily at them from afar," What are you doing?!"

  The author says:

  This chapter is a bit stuck today. It may be slightly repaired tomorrow morning.



The entire book has been translated, with a total of 205K words and more than 420 pages.

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