Escape Under the Sea Chapter 8

   ♪ Fierce ♪


  In the dark and quiet room, bright light shone through the gaps in the curtains.

  Lu Jia was sleeping on the outer side of the bed at this moment. She was half-asleep and half-awake, but she felt dizzy. Her neck was aching and she felt as if she had been beaten up.

  Then, her narrow vision gradually expanded, and a slightly brighter space gradually appeared in front of her.

  Lu Jia was at a loss at first. She didn't know where she was at this moment.

  She only felt that she was too tired. If it weren't for the blinding sunlight shining through the window, she would have been able to sleep on forever. After all, it was early morning yesterday.

  Wait, yesterday?

  Thinking of this, Lu Jia suddenly sat up from the bed and carefully observed the unfamiliar interior of the room under the dim light by the window.

  Where is this place?

  Even though Lu Jia had only stayed in the hotel room she had booked in Las Vegas for ten minutes before this, she was still very sure that everything should not be like this.

  This was an unfamiliar room with two beds, but for some reason, she was the only one in the room. Lu Jia looked at the empty bed beside her and reached out to touch her sore neck. The memories of last night instantly returned to her mind.

  Phoenix knocked Luca unconscious in the elevator!

  Lu Jia did not remember what happened after that. When she woke up, she found herself in this strange place. She subconsciously wanted to look for her phone to check the time, but with a loud " purr-", Lu Jia was reminded by her hungry stomach and was so hungry that she was dizzy.

  How long had she slept?

  Thinking of this, Lu Jia searched for Phoenix everywhere in the room, but this room wasn't big, and the soundproofing wasn't very good. At a glance, she could tell that she was the only one in the room.

  Wait, she's alone...

  - Does that mean that this is a good time for her to escape?

  Thinking of this, Lu Jia, who was still a little sleepy, immediately perked up. She couldn't care less about the other " small problems ", let alone the food and shower she needed urgently. She immediately jumped out of bed, put on her shoes, pulled up her luggage, and walked quickly to the door.

  "Beep, click--"

  However, the moment his hand touched the door handle, the sound of the door opening came first.

  As the door gradually opened, the bright light shone on Lu Jia's body. When a tall figure was revealed in the backlight, she subconsciously narrowed her eyes at first, then her entire body froze on the spot and took two steps back in fear.

  "Where are you going?"

  Lu Jia couldn't help but close her eyes in frustration. She sighed at how unlucky she was to be caught by this scumbag when she was escaping.

  Phoenix slowly walked into the room under the blinding sunlight. As she walked in, her hot hand grabbed Lu Jia's wrist, which was carrying her suitcase, and brought her back to the room before closing the door.

  His other hand was holding a tray. It was fine when he was outside the room, but as soon as the door closed, Lu Jia could smell an alluring food fragrance lingering around her nose.


  In the quiet room, her stomach made a noise that was hard to ignore at this moment. Her eyes were placed on the plate of food disappointingly.

  It's a waffle with some purple blueberry jam on it.

  Phoenix raised her eyebrows and handed over the plate. Her tone was calm." Let's eat something."

  Lu Jia looked at him with a complicated expression. In the end, she was still forced by hunger. She helplessly threw down the luggage in her hand and sat on the small table beside her. She picked up a disposable plastic fork and stuffed a small waffle into her mouth in a few seconds.

  However, as she ate, she was thinking about something. In the end, she couldn't help but ask carefully," When, when can you let me leave?"

  "If I stay here, I'll be a burden to you. Let me return to China smoothly, and I promise I won't say anything…"

  Phoenix was silent for a moment. He opened his mouth to say something when suddenly--a strange scream came from the next room.

  Lu Jia didn't notice Phoenix's sudden frown. Instead, she leaned closer to the wall with a puzzled expression and asked," What's that sound? The soundproofing is too bad!"


  However, just as she finished speaking, there was an even more obvious low groan and rhythmic banging sound coming from the other side of the wall. Lu Jia could be considered an adult in her early twenties. Although she had never eaten pork before, she immediately realized what was going on.


  Lu Jia retracted her head as if she had been electrocuted. She widened her eyes and glanced at Phoenix. She realized that he had already lowered his eyes and was silent. She immediately buried her head in embarrassment and ate bitterly.

  "That…waffles are delicious!"

  To avoid embarrassment, she spoke loudly on purpose, trying to drown out the voices next door.

  In the next second, Phoenix raised her head and frowned at her. At the same time, the commotion in the room next door became even louder.

  Lu Jia was still a little naive. She didn't know that there were some people who had special hobbies in this area. If they found someone listening, they would be even more enthusiastic.

  She was about to swallow the last piece of waffle, but because of this, the waffle choked directly in her esophagus and couldn't cough it out or swallow it.

  Phoenix couldn't help but sigh. She quickly unscrewed the free mineral water in the room and handed it to Lu Jia.

  Lu Jia hurriedly took a sip, and the slightly cold liquid swept the food down her throat. Only then did she feel alive.

  Phoenix saw that Lu Jia was fine. After pausing for a moment, she said calmly amid the frequent banging and wailing," I need your cover. I'll let you leave before your flight takes off."

  Although Phoenix said so and he didn't do any substantial harm, from Lu Jia's perspective, Phoenix was still not a good person.

  Lu Jia knew very well that she still couldn't trust him completely.

  Thinking of this, she pretended to nod obediently and asked tentatively," So…what exactly did you cause?"

  "-I didn't cause anything."

  Phoenix said as she stared at Lu Jia with her deep but cold gray-blue eyes.

  " But sometimes, trouble and bad luck will come to us."

  To be honest, Lu Jia had some understanding of this sentence. After all, she was the same. She clearly didn't cause anything, but she was inexplicably involved in this man's troubles.

  But what she wanted to know wasn't just a perfunctory sentence. Lu Jia wanted to know more about the specific situation. Only then would she be able to find a more reliable basis for her subsequent choices, instead of being led by the nose in a daze.

  "So you were really framed by a mole?"

  Lu Jia tried her best to ignore the sound of the collision. She held her breath and focused. While observing Phoenix's expression, she tentatively said her guess.

  Phoenix crossed her arms and said calmly," For our safety, I can't tell you."

  Lu Jia, who had watched three seasons of American TV series Lie to Me and Hong Kong TV series Mind Reading, was a self-styled micro-expression master. She couldn't tell what Phoenix was thinking at this moment.

  "You can't say that?"


  Lu Jia wasn't discouraged either. She continued asking," According to the development in the movie, do you need to get evidence from the mole that the other party is the mole before you can rehabilitate yourself?"

  Phoenix closed her eyes impatiently and said mockingly," I think you've watched too many movies that aren't nutritious."

  "Hey!" Lu Jia couldn't hold it any longer. She stood up and shouted at him," You need my help, but you don't tell me anything. How can I evaluate whether your promise is reliable? When the time comes, will you let go…"

  She was so angry that her voice inevitably grew louder and louder.


  Before she could finish her sentence, Lu Jia's mouth was suddenly covered tightly. Another hand passed through her hair and pressed her head hard.

  Phoenix and Lu Jia were so close that it was different from the last time they were imprisoned. This time, they were facing each other, and their hot breaths were faintly on her face. She could even see her own reflection in each other's clear but deep eyes.

  The room they were in was instantly quiet. The annoying grunts and collisions from the next door seemed to enter their ears everywhere, and the sharp creaks made the atmosphere between the two of them extremely strange.

  It was hot in summer, and the air conditioner in the room had not yet been turned on. The air in the enclosed space became extremely stuffy due to the sunlight.

  Lu Jia was a little afraid of the heat, especially when she was standing in front of a source of heat that could not be ignored. A few drops of sweat immediately dripped from her forehead.

  She knew that Phoenix was covering her mouth in case others heard their conversation, but in this situation, the high-pitched screams from the next room had already become a little distant. Lu Jia couldn't help but swallow subconsciously, nervously losing all the strength to resist.

  "…If you insist on knowing."

  Suddenly, a hoarse and low male voice sounded in Lu Jia's ears. Phoenix frowned and pursed her chin tightly." I can reveal some unimportant information to you."

  As he spoke, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Lu Jia as if he was looking at his enemy through her." Yes, not only do I have to vindicate myself, but I also..."


  When he said this word, Lu Jia's heart skipped a beat. She felt that the thing that grabbed her was more like a ferocious beast. It was gloomy and ferocious, ready to pounce on her at any time!

  But in the next second, Phoenix's expression suddenly disappeared. At the same time, she released her hand that was covering her mouth. The corners of her mouth curled up and she revealed a charming smile.

  Lu Jia always felt that he was up to no good, and then she felt that he actually reached out and touched her cheek with his slightly rough thumb.

  As she spoke, her hair stood on end.

  "…If you are caught by them, remember to convey this to them for me."

  The author says:

  Don't forget what the detective said in chapter 3 (dog head)

  Hey, when can I write that the male and female owners are doing crazy things in the next room (sigh



The entire book has been translated, with a total of 205K words and more than 420 pages.

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