Top Star Agent Chapter 22.1

 Chapter 22.1

After sending Ning Yang to the airport, Xiang Qingwei drove to the same destination to meet Ling Jiayi.

Ling Jiayi had a scheduled appearance for a face-mask brand he endorsed today. For events like these, Xiang Qingwei usually attended, unless there were any unexpected circumstances.

Ling Jiayi's fans were already gathered at the airport, and they rushed toward him as soon as he appeared.

Ling Jiayi was at the peak of his career, and because he had few public engagements, his fans cherished every opportunity they had to see him. A large crowd had turned up, many holding up posters with Ling Jiayi's name on them.


"Jiayi, you're so thin! Make sure you eat more on set!"

"Jiayi, take care of yourself!"

"Jiayi! Your mom loves you!"

The fans followed their idol, calling out to him and offering gifts, but Ling Jiayi remained expressionless behind his sunglasses, maintaining his cool demeanor. He always put up this front to outsiders; his fans adored this aloofness of his.

Xiang Qingwei followed closely behind Ling Jiayi, occasionally shielding him from the cell phones hovering dangerously close to his face. She reminded fans to watch their step while subtly keeping them at a distance.

A voice suddenly emerged from the crowd, "Xiang Qingwei, your mom's dead!"

The loud voice was met with snickers from some understanding fans.

Xiao Dong and Xiao Mei's faces instantly fell.

Ling Jiayi's footsteps paused, and he stood still, face grim, as he looked in the direction the voice had come from.

The fans noticed his stop; the beautiful lips under those sunglasses pressed into a thin line, signaling clear anger. They quickly retracted their laughter, leaving an uneasy atmosphere.

"Don't mind them." Xiang Qingwei's expression remained unchanged as she grabbed Ling Jiayi's arm, gesturing for him to keep walking.

Ling Jiayi lowered his head, pressed his lips together, and continued forward.

The fans were afraid to speak up, silently escorting Ling Jiayi onto the plane.

Only after he was settled did they begin whispering amongst themselves.

"Who shouted that just now?"

"That was too much, don't you think?"

"Jiayi was upset."

"Why say something like that in front of Jiayi? What's wrong with them?"

Xiang Qingwei and Ling Jiayi sat in the business class cabin, while the two assistants took their places in economy.

Ling Jiayi knew Xiang Qingwei liked window seats, so he let her sit on the inside. Only after she was settled did he take his seat beside her.

After takeoff, Xiang Qingwei handed him a letter written by one of her fans. "Here, a letter for you."

Ling Jiayi cherished fan letters, reading every single one with relish and saving them all. Yet, this time, he acted out of the ordinary and refused to accept them, looking gloomy as he said, "I don't want to read it."

"Some of them might have come from far away just to send you this letter," Xiang Qingwei said.

"You're not mad?" Ling Jiayi turned to look at her.

"A little," Xiang Qingwei admitted.

She didn't care about the things people said online; she couldn't see or hear them, so they didn't bother her. But now the insults had been brought right to her face, and she wasn't made of clay; of course she was upset.

"I'm sorry," Ling Jiayi said, his tone low.

"It's not your fault," Xiang Qingwei said.

"They are my fans, how can it not be my fault?" Ling Jiayi frowned, then looked at Xiang Qingwei, and said earnestly, "I promise, it won't happen again."

Xiang Qingwei gave him a half-hearted response, then asked a flight attendant for a cup of lemon water. After taking a few sips, she yawned and fell into a slumber.

She always got drowsy on flights, quickly tilting her head to the side and falling asleep.

Ling Jiayi and Xiang Qingwei had flown countless times together, so he was well aware of this habit of hers. He called an attendant over.

The flight attendant's smile grew wider when she saw Ling Jiayi. "Hello, how may I help you?"

Ling Jiayi lowered his voice, asking her for a blanket.

"Of course, please wait a moment." The attendant left with a smile, and returned shortly after with a blanket.

Ling Jiayi leaned over and carefully placed the blanket over Xiang Qingwei. He glanced up to see Xiang Qingwei's head tilted to the side, facing him, her eyes closed in deep sleep. His gaze fell onto her face, unable to look away.

Xiang Qingwei's skin was immaculate, fair and smooth like fine porcelain. She wore only a thin layer of foundation, leaving her complexion slightly pinkish, like a tender peach. 

There was a tiny mole beneath her eye, hidden beneath her skin and visible only under close inspection, giving off a faint brown hue.

Very few people knew about the mole beneath Xiang Qingwei's eye.

But he knew.

He knew she would fall asleep the moment she got on the plane, that she was allergic to seafood, that she couldn't sing, that she could also be moody and unkind at times, and even hit people.

Ling Jiayi couldn't help but smile as his gaze swept down her profile, coming to rest on her lips. His breath caught, and his heart skipped a couple beats. His eyes fixed on her pale pink lips, his throat bobbed, and his breathing became heavy and sticky.

Ever since that night he stole a kiss, he seemed to have become possessed. The mere thought of it made his face redden and heart race.

Seeing her today, he felt uneasy, almost awkward, afraid she might notice, so he wore sunglasses.

He knew how her lips tasted when kissed, warm and soft, electrifying his heart until it tingled, addicting him.

Her lips looked so soft, so kissable, Ling Jiayi mused woozily.

She was so close to him now, close enough to smell her scent. She was asleep, so he could steal a kiss without her noticing... Just like that night, he would only kiss her once...

Ling Jiayi held his breath without realizing it, and his handsome face drew closer and closer to Xiang Qingwei...closer...closer... His heartbeat quickened...faster...faster...

"Hello, sir. May I ask if you require any assistance?"

The flight attendant's gentle voice startled Ling Jiayi so much that his heart almost leaped out of his throat, only to bounce back into place.

He realized, petrified, that the flight attendant wasn't speaking to him but rather facing away from him, serving the passenger diagonally behind.

Ling Jiayi's body bounced back with a bit too much force, drawing the flight attendant's attention. Upon seeing Ling Jiayi, the flight attendant smiled sweetly.

Ling Jiayi's heart raced wildly, but he feigned nonchalance as he asked the flight attendant for a glass of water.

"Of course. Please wait a moment." The flight attendant left.

Ling Jiayi felt dizzy, his heartbeat thudding like a drum.

What am I doing?!

A few moments later, the flight attendant brought a meal to the passenger behind him and a cup of plain water to him.

"Thank you," Ling Jiayi said, then picked up the cup and gulped it down.

The flight attendant, still smiling, left the two passengers and returned to the curtains. Once she was sure they couldn't hear her, she excitedly said, 

"Oh my god, Ling Jiayi is so handsome! He's a hundred times more handsome in person! His legs are so long and thin! And his eyelashes—my god, they're unbelievably long! His nose is high, and his skin is perfect! He's practically a work of art! Is it possible that someone so beautiful actually exists?"

The flight attendant cutting fruit laughed. "Your drool is about to drip off your chin."

The first flight attendant continued, "The one next to him seems to be his manager; she's young and beautiful as well. Ling Jiayi personally covered her with a blanket. I wish I could be her."

"They might be dating," the fruit-cutting flight attendant said as she continued slicing. "I've heard that celebrities and their managers often develop feelings for each other. Didn't that somebody get married to their manager?"

"Enough, don't gossip about the passengers during work hours." The captain's voice interrupted the conversation.

Outside, Ling Jiayi no longer dared to turn his head to look at Xiang Qingwei, afraid that he would become entranced once more. Yet his heart could not calm. He held a magazine, flipping it over and over, unable to comprehend a single word.

Just as the plane was about to land, Xiang Qingwei woke up, stretching her waist lazily.

Ling Jiayi turned to look at her, only to see her lift her arms, exposing a small part of her lace bra and the white skin beneath...


Ling Jiayi's head spun, his chest's hot blood boiling upward.

Before Xiang Qingwei could turn her head, he stiffly turned his neck away, suddenly feeling a rush of heat from his nostrils—something was flowing out.

"Ah! You're bleeding from your nose!" Xiang Qingwei gasped in shock.

Ling Jiayi's mind was in a daze; he instinctively covered his nose, feeling warmth spread across his hand.

The flight attendant rushed over upon hearing Xiang Qingwei's exclamation, immediately handing Ling Jiayi a warm towel to press against his nose.

After a flurry of frantic attempts, the bleeding finally stopped.

"Why did you suddenly start bleeding? Have you been eating any spicy food lately?" Xiang Qingwei asked, concerned.

Ling Jiayi had once again donned his sunglasses, hiding his eyes that were filled with despair.

He wanted to die.

For the first time in his life, he felt utterly humiliated.

He—he'd only caught a glimpse...

The scene played out in his mind.

His nose itched.

Ling Jiayi shook his head vigilantly, clearing away the lace and...

"What's wrong? Are you feeling okay?" Xiang Qingwei asked immediately upon noticing him shaking his head.

"I'm fine." Ling Jiayi's voice was dry, and he coughed a bit.

Xiang Qingwei ordered a glass of water for him, which Ling Jiayi downed in one gulp.

As soon as they got off the plane, Xiang Qingwei asked Xiao Dong about Ling Jiayi's diet.

Xiao Dong was puzzled. "He hasn't eaten anything spicy recently. His meals have been quite mild."

Xiang Qingwei considered whether or not to take Ling Jiayi to the hospital.

Ling Jiayi swiftly walked away, his long legs carrying him past her like the wind.

He must have felt embarrassed.

Xiang Qingwei couldn't help but smile at Ling Jiayi's panicked expression, then followed behind with a laugh.

The event was scheduled to begin at 2 P.M.

This particular brand, although not a high-end one, had a decent reputation and focused on skin hydration.

When the brand was picking an ambassador, they had been torn between Ling Jiayi and another male celebrity. Xiang Qingwei personally negotiated the deal, securing a handsome endorsement fee for the brand.

However, Ling Jiayi's influence on the brand's sales was undeniable.

On the day the endorsement was announced, the brand's website crashed in less than half a day due to the massive influx of visitors. In just twenty-four hours, they recorded sales of over seven million yuan.

This further proved Ling Jiayi's commercial value.

The brand's event was held in a shopping mall, which was packed; every railing around each floor was filled with people, and the main hall on the first floor was especially crowded.

Ling Jiayi wore a pink shirt and black jeans today, exuding a romantic aura. His figure and youth, coupled with his beautiful face, meant even a potato sack would look stylish on him, let alone a soft pink shirt that made him look extra adorable.

The two assistants, Xiao Dong and Xiao Mei, were tasked with filming Ling Jiayi and the event, respectively, with their cameras. Their footage would later be sent to the company's public relations department, which would then post it on the company's social media accounts and those of their marketing partners.

Maintaining one's fanbase and online presence was crucial in the entertainment industry.

Moreover, Ling Jiayi had been busy with shoots the entire time, so it was rare for him to make an appearance at these kinds of events. Of course, they had to utilize this opportunity to their advantage.

The event went off without a hitch.

Though Ling Jiayi had a bad temper and was difficult to work with in private, there were no issues when it came to his professional conduct. As long as the demands weren't too unreasonable, he would always do his best to cooperate.

On set, he was also extremely dedicated; if the script called for him to jump from a cliff, he'd do it without complaint. Thus, everyone who worked with him had nothing but praise for his professionalism.

Ling Jiayi had the next day off, so he decided to take a rare break at the hotel. He told Xiang Qingwei that he wanted to visit the panda base the next day.

Xiang Qingwei was always wary of Ling Jiayi going out in public. "Tomorrow is the weekend, so there will be a lot of people. If you really want to go, I'll schedule it for a weekday."

Ling Jiayi had his own plans, so naturally, he didn't agree. He rolled around on the bed for a bit before sitting up and looking at Xiang Qingwei. "That's exactly why I want to go—the crowds will distract them! Besides, everyone's there to see the pandas, not me."

Xiang Qingwei ignored Ling Jiayi and opened the fridge, taking out a bottle of chilled mineral water, but she couldn't twist off the cap no matter how hard she tried.

Ling Jiayi wrapped around her from behind, took the bottle, and effortlessly opened it, but he didn't return it to her. Instead, he held the bottle away and asked, "Is this okay?"

"Give me the water." Xiang Qingwei turned around and reached for the bottle in his hand.

Ling Jiayi swiftly raised the bottle higher. "Unless you promise me you'll come to see the pandas tomorrow!"

Xiang Qingwei instinctively grabbed his other arm and stood on her toes, trying to reach the water bottle in his raised hand.

In doing so, she practically pressed her whole body against Ling Jiayi, though she didn't yet realize.

At first, Ling Jiayi laughed proudly, but as Xiang Qingwei's soft body rubbed against him a few times, he suddenly became aware of how suggestive their positions were. The smile on his face froze, his body tensed up, and his throat rolled as his heart began to race.

Xiang Qingwei struggled a bit more, but their height difference was too significant, and his arms were longer than hers by a lot; there was no way she could reach it.

Suddenly noticing that she was practically plastered onto Ling Jiayi, feeling the vibrant warmth of the young man's body through the thin layer of fabric, she snapped back to her senses, feeling her face grow warm.

Taking a step back to hide her fluster, she pretended to remain calm and collected as she said, "How immature," before turning around and taking a different bottle from the fridge.


The entire book has been translated, with a total of 414K words and more than 1,200 pages.

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