Escape Under the Sea Chapter 1

   ♪ Break Down ♪


  A few desert squirrels poked their heads out of the deserted highway in the bright sunlight, and an uncomfortable heat wave churned in the air, brewing on the dark asphalt.

  Much of Nevada is desert and arid, with hot summers and record highs of 46.7 degrees Celsius.

  Although it wasn't over 40 degrees Celsius now, Lu Jia's originally fair and beautiful face was now flushed and sweaty. She looked left and right with rapid breathing.

  She looked anxious and anxious, but when she opened the hood, she couldn't do anything about the complicated machinery in front of her.


  Helpless, she was so angry that she kicked the wheel hard.

  Squirrel was frightened and fled in all directions.

  Almost at the same time, Lu Jia also put on the pain mask. She immediately hugged her hot feet from the dark asphalt road and gasped.

  She frowned and covered her face for a long time. Finally, Lu Jia could only sit weakly in the shade beside the tire and drink the last mouthful of hot water in the plastic bottle.

  The empty plastic bottle rolled away, curling silently when it touched the tarmac that had been exposed to sunlight for a long time.

  Lu Jia retracted her gaze, and after letting out a long breath of turbid air, she muttered weakly.

  " Could it be…that the divine woman's prophecy this time is true?"

  Lu Jia was a junior and a senior two months later. She majored in geography and traveled to the western United States during her last summer vacation in college.

  The goddess she mentioned was Zhang Xiaoxi, Lu Jia's college roommate. She was a little superstitious and could even pinch Little Liuren to tell people's fortunes.

  Although the accuracy rate was only 50% at most, she still got the unanimous consent of the remaining three people in the dormitory and got the nickname "Divine Woman".

  Originally, Lu Jia and Zhang Xiaoxi had arranged to come together. Zhang Xiaoxi's family was wealthy and had already been to the United States twice. She had even learned Taekwondo for several years when she was studying, but she couldn't drive and was a little afraid of society.

  Lu Jia, on the other hand, saved enough money to learn her driver's license during the summer vacation of her freshman year. She was careful and good-tempered. She was very sociable, but she was sweet and petite. She was a sports loser.

  The two of them were simply a golden travel partner made in heaven. They had traveled together twice during the holidays before and were very satisfied with each other.

  Originally, everything was going very smoothly. Lu Jia had been working on the strategy for a long time, and she had already settled all the visa and alcohol related matters early on.

  However, more than a week before the trip, Zhang Xiaoxi suddenly came to Lu Jia with an embarrassed face. She said that she had done a few divination and calculated that this trip was a "big disaster", so…

  Zhang Xiaoxi thought about it and decided not to go.

  - And so she stood Luca up.

  Of course, Lu Jia didn't believe in evil. Most importantly, the entire trip had already been booked. Cancelling it at this time would cost a lot of money.

  Her family was not bad, but Lu Jia didn't like to spend her family's money. Most of the expenses for traveling to the United States were saved by Lu Jia's part-time work.

  And more importantly, Lu Jia really wanted to travel to America.

  So Luka decided to go alone.

  Fortunately, Zhang Xiaoxi also felt guilty about her actions. She only canceled the round-trip air ticket. Other items related to the itinerary, such as the hotel and car that had already been booked, were not canceled. They were all reserved for Lu Jia. She even taught Lu Jia a few ruthless self-defense moves.

  But before Lu Jia set off, Zhang Xiaoxi still felt uneasy about it." Are you really okay going alone?"

  What did she say?

  Oh, right. Lu Jia was determined to win at that time. She even swore to Zhang Xiaoxi," If something really happens, I'll change my name to Lu Bujia in the future!"

  ... results.

  Name is not guaranteed.

  Thinking of this, Lu Jia sat on the ground dejectedly, anxious about the next journey. She looked at the endless winding road and the dry ground covered with sand and low shrubs, wondering why things had turned out this way.

  Yes, it is.

  Today is only the second day of this trip to the United States.

  Lu Jia arrived in Los Angeles, California yesterday afternoon. She spent two and a half days visiting Hollywood. After taking a bunch of photos, she followed the guide and prepared to drive to Las Vegas, Nevada, 400 kilometers away.

  However, Lu Jia wanted to take advantage of the scenery of the western United States during the driving period, so she opened the window wide and felt the warm wind caressing, enjoying the happiness of traveling alone.

  However, for some reason, probably because she was unfamiliar with the Americans, Lu Jia was distracted at first. While enjoying the scenery, she accidentally drove the wrong way. Then, when she was driving back, she suddenly heard a muffled loud noise coming from afar.

  She subconsciously raised her head and saw a military helicopter flying by in the distance. Lu Jia was puzzled when she suddenly caught a glimpse of a desert squirrel running towards her from the corner of her eye.

  Lu Jia slammed the steering wheel and crashed straight into the roadside stake-


  Fortunately, no one was injured.

  But…Lu Jia, who was sitting on the ground, raised her head to look at the scorching sun and the constantly distorting heat wave on the asphalt road. She looked worriedly at the empty bottle on the ground, which was becoming more and more deformed, and then lowered her head to look at the time on her phone.

  She had previously called the insurance company provided by the rental car company to ask for roadside assistance, but the other party said it would take several hours to arrive. Until then, Lu Jia could only wait here.

  If she couldn't get to her hotel in Las Vegas by today, Lu Jia might have to pay extra to find a place to stay overnight.

  However, the problem that could be solved with money was not the worst. Lu Jia had heard that the security in the United States was very bad. There might be some large wild animals in such a deserted place. If she had to wait until night in this place, something bad might happen.

  We have to do something.

  Thinking of this, Lu Jia stood up from the ground again and walked to the car with the hood opened. She frowned and looked at the parts squeezed into the rack one after another. She took out her phone and searched for " how to repair the car when it suddenly broke down ".

  Lu Jia compared the information provided on the phone without any clue. The phone was hot and stuck, and the screen appeared dark under the bright sunlight. Even if the content could be loaded, Lu Jia might not be able to understand it.

  Just as she felt her head grow heavy, Lu Jia suddenly heard a faint sound coming from behind her, as if the branches and leaves of a tree were being rubbed by something.

  At the same time, the sound was accompanied by a regular, frequent muffled sound.

  …No, that voice was wrong!

  Lu Jia sharply stiffened her body and subconsciously turned her head to look behind her.

  Almost at the same time, a tall figure suddenly jumped out of the bushes not far away. Lu Jia was caught off guard and almost fell on the hot asphalt road.

  Because this direction happened to be against the light, and the other party suddenly appeared, Lu Jia narrowed her eyes slightly and couldn't see the other party's face clearly. She only found that after the other party paused for a moment, he turned around and walked quickly in her direction.

  Lu Jia didn't know what the other party was doing, so she subconsciously moved backward in panic.

  That person was tall and carried a suit jacket in his hand. His shadow directly enveloped Lu Jia's body in the shadow. At the same time, she could smell a faint smell of blood coming from his body.

  Every cell in Lu Jia's body seemed to sense the danger from the other party. Her back arched and she couldn't stop trembling.

  "What…what do you want…"

  Lu Jia stuttered in English and assumed a defensive posture. She tried her best to recall the ruthless moves Zhang Xiaoxi gave her, but her mind went blank.

  However, to Lu Jia's surprise, that person's target wasn't her.

  He ignored Lu Jia and quickly sat in the car to check the dashboard. At the same time, he gently put his coat aside and tried to start the car.

  Lu Jia came back to her senses. Just as she was about to say something, the other party suddenly stood up and came to the car where she had dropped the anchor.

  Although the hood still blocked half of his face, Lu Jia finally saw half of his face because of the change in their positions.

  He was supposed to be a very handsome man. His eyes were deep and his nose was straight, and his thin lips were tightly pursed. However, at this moment, his golden-brown hair drooped randomly on his face. His angular face was stained with dried and mottled blood, and his clothes were only a little messy and covered with dust. He was clearly in a sorry state, but Lu Jia saw his strong and muscular arms under his sleeves at a glance.

  At this moment, the other party was standing in front of Lu Jia's car. While vigilantly checking his surroundings, he quickly repaired the machinery under the hood.

  Lu Jia swallowed subconsciously. She didn't know if it was because she had been exposed to the sun for a long time or because of some other reason.

  But that's not important. What's important is... What the hell?!

  A suspiciously handsome guy drops out of the sky to fix her car?

  Could this be the kind of perverted murderer in American TV series?

  But... maybe just a hitchhiker? The blood on his face was from the car accident?

  At this moment, Lu Jia felt as if there was a villain fighting in her heart. A villain, she quickly abandoned everything and fled, lest she end up lying dead on the streets of a foreign country.

  However, the other one was trying to trick her…Abandoning the car and running away would only lead to a faster death. Moreover, that person was so handsome and was still helping her repair the car. There was a high probability that he was not a bad person.

  She stood beside him, unsure of what to do next, when the man stopped suddenly and the hood slammed shut with a bang.

  Almost at the same time, the man revealed his complete handsome face and muscular figure to Lu Jia. At the same time, he also revealed more dried blood stains and unconcealable injuries on his body. He was like a cold and heartless beast with no other way out, carrying an unsettling aura.

  However, that person only calmly stared at Lu Jia with his deep and charming gray-blue eyes. While pointing at the blood stains on his body, he spoke in extremely fast and fluent English, his voice hoarse and low.

  " My name is Gordon.'This' was caused by the car accident we encountered earlier. Now that I've fixed your car, can you give me a ride?"

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