Escape Under the Sea Chapter 9

   ♪ People ♪


  Black Agent Daniel drove the Chevrolet SUV down the long, deserted highway in Nevada, glancing at Senior Agent Mahoney as he drove.

  " I keep feeling that there's something strange about that Asian girl. I should have checked her ID just now."

  Mahoney was resting with his eyes closed. He said calmly," Alright, don't waste time on unimportant people. We only have one target, and that's Caspar Phoenix. Let's think about how to complete the mission of the bureau first."

  " Agent Mahoney, I heard that he was transferred to DC headquarters as an assistant director after finishing his undercover mission in Southern California two years ago. I can say that his future is bright. Would he really do such a thing?"

  Mahoney opened his eyes and glanced at him expressionlessly." This isn't something we can judge. All we can do is catch him alive. At least we can't let those damn bastards get to him first. Otherwise, not only will he die miserably, but the bureau will also be implicated."

  Daneel sighed helplessly."You're right. Has the Bureau given you anything? We can't just rely on the two of us to search aimlessly."

  "Dan, he knows exactly what we're going to do. He could even be deliberately misleading. We can't rely entirely on the agency's profile."

  " Then what should we do? If 'they' find Phoenix first, things will be bad."

  "So…do your job well."

  Mahoney closed his eyes again.


  Quantico Behavioral Analysis Unit

  Gareth Lee, who had a PhD in psychology, had been working overtime for two days. He looked tiredly at the information on Agent Caspar Phoenix on his desk and could not help but spread his hands.

  " I know Criminal Minds is a great show to brag about BAU."

  "But we can't predict the future 100%, especially when the other party is the youngest outstanding agent in history. In a few years, he uprooted a huge transnational gang in Southern California. I think what we analyzed is more likely to be wrong."

  Lowry, the IT technician, sighed."You know what? I didn't know he was the cousin of Noah Wolwitz, the founder of NoFa, whom I admired most!"

  " That explains why he was so familiar with Internet technology. Therefore, he didn't leave any traces on the Internet after that day. No matter how much overtime I worked, I couldn't find any information."

  Director Redrick stood in the middle of the meeting room and glanced at the two people who kept complaining. He frowned and said," Stop complaining. We have to hurry up and start testing."

  "From what we've gathered, Caspar Phoenix's parents 'divorce must have had some effect on him growing up, causing him to suffer from OCD (anxiety disorder), which is consistent with the descriptions of agents he worked with. He has a severe obsession with cleanliness-a form of OCD."

  " That way, unless we have to, we can initially rule out some dilapidated motels and small hotels run by individuals. After all, we all know that these places are not clean."

  Gareth Lee continued, adding,"Although his relationship with his mother wasn't exactly perfect, witnessing her murder may have exacerbated his anxiety disorder in a way that induced him to take impulsive revenge."

  " Since he was on vacation in Nevada at the time of the incident, I suspect that he may have traveled all the way to Langley, Virginia, their headquarters. His anti-detection and anti-tracking awareness is very high. He will try his best to avoid leaving clues on the network. The route is also unlikely to be close to the main road."

  Another silent agent, Aston, thought for a moment before posting his own profile of him.

  " Although he is the youngest outstanding agent in the history of the FBI, he knows very well that his actions are suicide. At the same time, according to his psychological evaluation, Phoenix's arrogance and arrogance make it impossible for him to involve innocent people. Therefore, it is more likely that he will act alone."


  Everyone spoke one after another, and very quickly, they completed the profile of Caspar Phoenix and made a preliminary prediction of his future behavior.

  The information is forwarded to DC headquarters, which in turn relays it to the agents involved.


  A day later, after receiving clues and information from headquarters, Daniel couldn't help but look at Senior Agent Mahoney beside him.

  " Chain or high-class hotels, destination Langley, Virginia, non-main roads along the way to avoid people's eyes and ears, solo…"

  "Buddy, do you think this information is reliable? Why do I feel that things won't be that simple?"

  Mahoney rolled down the window and fidgeted at a cigarette. The wind blew away the thick, pungent smoke, revealing a dilapidated motel.

  A place that doesn't fit the profile at all.

  He paused as if he had thought of something. His eyes stared fixedly at the ordinary and calm motel in front of him. Suddenly, he raised his hand and extinguished the cigarette that had not yet been burned out.

  "-let's go there first."


  On the other side.


  Zhang Xiaoxi knew Lu Jia's entire itinerary like the back of her hand. If everything went smoothly, she should have arrived in Las Vegas to enjoy herself.

  Thinking of this, she couldn't help but send a message to Lu Jia asking him to send a few more photos.

  However, after waiting for two to three hours, Zhang Xiaoxi still didn't receive a reply from Lu Jia.

  At first, Zhang Xiaoxi didn't take Lu Jia's non-reply to heart.

  She felt that Lu Jia must have forgotten to reply to her because she was addicted to the madness and excitement of Las Vegas.

  Because the time difference between China and the western United States was 15 hours, it was almost the reverse of day and night, so Zhang Xiaoxi, who happened to be in the afternoon, went to bed early after dinner and drama.

  However, Zhang Xiaoxi didn't sleep well that night, perhaps because Lu Jia hadn't replied to her message, or perhaps because of the unlucky prophecy she had made earlier.

  She woke up at four in the morning for the first time since she could sleep until late in the morning during the holidays. Her dizzy brain struggled to calculate the time difference between her and Lu Jia...

  - It should be past two in Las Vegas.

  Thinking of this, she narrowed her sleepy eyes and opened the chat app on her phone again.

  "Jiajia, did you win any money in Las Vegas? Take a few photos and let me see ~"

  The last sentence still stays on Zhang Xiaoxi's news at 12:00 yesterday noon--9:00 the night before Las Vegas.

  ... there was still no reply.

  Zhang Xiaoxi suddenly had a bad premonition in her heart. Ignoring the extremely dark sky, she sat up uneasily from the bed.

  If Lu Jia was angry because Zhang Xiaoxi stood her up, then forget it.

  However, Zhang Xiaoxi knew that Lu Jia wasn't such a person. Most importantly, Lu Jia had been very active in chatting with Zhang Xiaoxi when she was in Los Angeles the night before and had sent her a bunch of photos of Hollywood attractions.

  Zhang Xiaoxi looked at the ceiling, feeling a little lost. One moment, she was worried that Lu Jia might really have something happen, and the next moment, she felt that Lu Jia might have been too tired from playing in Las Vegas, so she didn't see any news for a while.

  After all, there was a time difference of more than ten hours between the two places, and Lu Jia's schedule was very busy. It was normal for her to forget about it for a while.

  Zhang Xiaoxi was afraid that she would talk too much and affect Lu Jia's trip, but she was also afraid that if something happened to Lu Jia, she would not be able to find it in time, so she sent her another message.

  Jiajia, remember to tell me you're safe before you go to bed tonight."

  The author says:

  Washington DC, DC

  Then today, the unit worked overtime + went home to work overtime. The old father suspected that he was positive, so he really couldn't hold it in. QAQ

  I know the end of the last chapter is a bit awkward, but in fact, the male lead did it for a purpose. As a result, I saw a collection dropped in the blink of an eye, so I decided to immediately slide down and change it tomorrow morning (cover my face).

  Criminal psychology is a drama that I followed several years ago. The profile compiled in the past few years can still be easily written. Recently, it is a little rusty. Let's ignore it.



The entire book has been translated, with a total of 205K words and more than 420 pages.

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