Escape Under the Sea Chapter 12

   ♪ Sleepless ♪


  Langley, Virginia

  In a solemn building.

  Agent Dominica Skye stood impassively in the office of the CIA's director of covert operations, acting as if he were not here to take criticism.

  "Is this your report on the matter?"

  Chris Vincent, the supervisor, slammed the report on the table."You killed an innocent citizen by mistake. Is that your attitude?"

  Dominica frowned and calmly explained," Who asked Caspar Phoenix to refuse to cooperate with the investigation? It's normal for him to accidentally injure his relatives during the arrest process, right?"

  "He used to be the assistant director of the Bureau of Investigation, did you know that? There's been a strong complaint from the Hoover building about our behavior! And besides, you've got military planes! In the end, didn't he escape?"

  Dominica clenched his fists secretly. After all, this sentence was a question of ability for him.

  " The Intelligence Department is already collecting all surveillance, communication equipment, and network data within a 200-foot radius. We're not like those useless people from the Bureau of Investigation. As long as he leaves a trace, we'll only need 24 hours to find him."

  Vincent, the supervisor, was slightly relieved, but his expression was still ugly."What if Caspar Phoenix didn't leave a trail? After all, he is a former outstanding agent of the Bureau of Investigation."

  Dominica smiled coldly." As long as he's still in America, it's only a matter of time."

  "Don't worry, Vincent. I'll make sure he hands over what he's got, and then I'll complete the agency's mission."


  Lu Jia finally heaved a sigh of relief when she could no longer hear the two detectives outside the door or next door. She had time to pick up her phone and look at the time on the screen.

  It was already past three o'clock in the afternoon on the second day.

  When Lu Jia woke up, it was probably already past lunch time. No wonder she was so hungry after waking up.

  However, this was not important. After receiving Phoenix's promise and oath, Lu Jia finally calmed down and went into the bathroom to continue washing up.


  After washing up, Lu Jia felt a lot more comfortable. Even the weakness in her legs had improved, but she still wore strawberry powder and milky-white underwear with mixed feelings. She couldn't help but feel irritated.

  As the water vapor condensed on the surface of the glass and tiles, she wiped her half-dried black hair while raising her head to look at Phoenix, who had been sitting by the window observing the movements outside. Her gaze involuntarily turned to her phone.

  She hadn't sent any messages to anyone else for a whole day, and she wondered if anyone would know about the terrible situation she was in.

  "Can I connect to the hotel's WiFi?"

  Phoenix moved and turned to look at Lu Jia.

  In the dimly lit room, the shadows moved around his straight profile, outlining his straight eyebrows and nose. His eyes were hidden in the shadows, and he could not understand his thoughts for a moment.

  Lu Jia mustered up her courage and suggested," I swear I won't mention anything about you online. You can sit by the side and supervise me. I just want to tell my family that I'm safe, and then have some fun to pass the time."

  Phoenix calmly stated," I don't know Chinese. I can't supervise you."

  "The prism can still recognize Chinese?"

  "It's far stronger than you think."

  Phoenix stood up and walked to Lu Jia's side as she spoke. She bent down to pick up her phone and pressed the camera on the phone with her slender index finger." I'll give you five minutes. You're not allowed to shout my name or enter my Chinese translation during use. You must turn it off immediately after you use it."

  "Otherwise, it won't do you any good in the end."

  Lu Jia was stunned. When she realized what kind of world she had unknowingly been exposed to without any privacy, she couldn't help but feel a chill in her heart.

  However, Phoenix's words were even more terrifying to Lu Jia, and she couldn't help but shiver.


  She swallowed and nodded obediently at him. Then, under his unquestionable control, she turned on her phone screen and connected to the hot spot provided by the hotel according to the reminder in the room.

  A few seconds later, the phone showed that the network connection was successful.

  Almost at the same time, a large number of notifications popped up at the top of the screen.

  Lu Jia immediately opened WeChat, but most of them were meaningless public account alerts. After a quick glance, she realized that only the goddess Zhang Xiaoxi felt that something was wrong with her.

  "Jiajia, did you win any money in Las Vegas? Take a few photos and let me see ~"

  Jiajia, remember to tell me you're safe before you go to bed tonight."

  Lu Jia looked at the words on the screen and was a little nervous and excited. She subconsciously wanted to call her, but Phoenix's hand reminded her that she was not allowed to do so.

  She carefully turned her head to look at Phoenix, who seemed to have changed completely. She retracted her neck and could only type slowly on the screen under his control.

  "Divine Granny…Can you read my life again?"

  As long as Zhang Xiaoxi saw this sentence, she would definitely understand Lu Jia's meaning!

  However, it was obviously impossible for the other party to see the messages on her phone every second. Zhang Xiaoxi didn't reply for a while, so Lu Jia immediately quit the chat page with her and clicked into the conversation with her "mother".

  In fact, Lu Jia didn't even use text to give Zhou Xiuli WeChat notes, but instead used an adult female emoji to replace their relationship.

  The last conversation between Lu Jia and Zhou Xiuli took place five days ago. She asked if Lu Jia had enough money. Lu Jia said it was enough.

  It was simple and direct, and at the same time, there was no trace of humanity.

  The blood relationship in her bones made her unable to suppress the urge to cry to her mother about her experiences these days, but Lu Jia hesitated in the end and couldn't send any words to her in this perhaps only five minutes.

  Even at such a time, Lu Jia still had a grudge against her.

  After five minutes, she only sent Zhang Xiaoxi that ambiguous sentence.

  "…Five minutes is up."

  As soon as she finished speaking, Phoenix quickly pulled her phone out of Lu Jia's and pressed the lock button to turn off her phone.

  Lu Jia looked at the screen that suddenly darkened and sighed in disappointment.

  Can she return to China smoothly and live her life according to the rules?

  Phoenix put Lu Jia's phone in her pocket and asked casually," What did you just send?"

  Only then did Lu Jia recover from her depressed mood. She paused warily and then said calmly," I just told her that I've been traveling for the past few days and I don't have time to chat with her."

  Phoenix's greyish blue eyes stared at Lu Jia, then she averted her gaze casually and nodded lightly." Okay."

  " They won't be coming here to investigate anytime soon. Let's go eat something first. We'll continue our journey tomorrow morning."

  Luka sighed sadly and anxiously, suddenly feeling that the journey had been hopelessly long.


  With no entertainment--cell phones--Luka could only pass the time idly turning on the old-fashioned LCD TV in the motel.

  Perhaps due to the limited conditions, most of the channels were public channels that didn't have to pay. In addition, the people inside spoke very fast, so Lu Jia couldn't understand many channels.

  She finally found out that a TV station was replaying the American drama " Suspect Chase " she had watched before, but she heard Phoenix suddenly tut in annoyance.

  Suspect Hunt tells the story of a presumed dead former CIA agent and a mysterious billionaire who combine a unique set of methods to stop crime.

  What's the matter, ex-agent faubole thinks crime stories in american television aren't realistic enough?

  Lu Jia, who was already agitated, was even more agitated by Phoenix, so she simply turned off the TV and quietly closed her eyes at eight o'clock sharp, deciding to sleep early.

  However, after experiencing a series of events during the day, she was actually not sleepy at all.

  His eyes, which had been closed for a short while, opened again.

  Faint dim light shone in through the curtains. Lu Jia didn't know what kind of mood she was in, but she turned her head and quietly looked at Phoenix lying on the bed beside her.

  From Phoenix's face in the darkness, it could be seen that he had maintained a posture of one arm resting on his head since the beginning. His tall body, which almost filled the entire bed, was in a casual posture. It was unknown whether he was staring at the ceiling or asleep.

  Lu Jia's line of sight followed the trend of the lines and couldn't help but stare at his slightly raised lips. Her brain automatically began to recall what happened to that sports car during the day. Wait! What do you think about that for?

  Thinking about his actions, his mood suddenly became worse.

  She rolled over heavily and decided to turn her back on Phoenix. Out of sight, out of mind.

  However, Nevada was still a little hot even at night. Lu Jia, who was not covered with a blanket, thought that her butt was facing him at this moment, and it involved a certain critical part. She suddenly felt bad. She stood up like a carp and lay face up obediently like Phoenix.

  Boy, can't you sleep tonight?

  It must be because he woke up too late in the day, and definitely not for any other reason!

  In fact, it was a sleepless night for Lu Jia and Phoenix.

  Phoenix, in particular, was certainly not asleep. Instead, he was rehearsing in his mind how things might develop at this time.

  Just as he had expected, there was a new wave of activity at the Intelligence Building in Langley, Virginia, in the eastern United States.

  After the system retrieved a large amount of video, text and other information, the screen that was flashing suddenly stopped, and the relevant image of the Golden Brick Hotel in Las Vegas was called up, and then a man wearing a gorgeous beach suit was locked.

  The blurred image gradually became clear after loading, and compared with another serious and familiar HD agent photo on the screen, it showed a similarity of up to 71%, and issued a "beep--" alarm.

  The technician who was dozing off in front of the computer immediately woke up. The other party obviously did not dare to let go of any possibility, not to mention that the similarity was more than 70%.

  Therefore, the other party immediately reported the information to a higher level department.

  - Just over 24 hours after Phoenix and Luka appeared at the Las Vegas hotel.

  The author says:

  ① Introduction from Baidu

  A lot of it's bullshit. Don't take it seriously.

  Then this chapter is a bit transitional in nature, mainly to explain some information, and later to see if we can get some more excitement (hey



The entire book has been translated, with a total of 205K words and more than 420 pages.

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