Top Star Agent Chapter 30

 Money is meant to be spent.

This was a belief Xiang Qingwei had always held.

However, money must make a sound when it's spent.

For example, the money she spent today earned her the smiles and courteous greetings of the staff members. Even if they ate her food, they wouldn't dare speak ill of her behind her back.

Xiang Qingwei also added a few young directors, including the program's photographer and editor, on WeChat. For minor requests, she no longer needed to rely on Miss K to relay messages.

A young female director took a liking to Xiang Qingwei, and would even voluntarily share some of Ning Yang's daily life with her.

Tonight's competition format was such that the hundred contestants were split into groups of five to six people.

The mentors were divided into two factions, each selecting a group from their own faction to compete against each other, with the group receiving the most likes declared the winner.

In order to make the program more interesting, although the show gave the impression that the mentors chose which groups would compete in this stage, it was largely premeditated, with each match carefully planned out beforehand.

The mentors simply followed the script. However, in the case of "Super Idol," everything was unscripted, allowing the mentors to act freely. Therefore, even the program's staff did not know which groups would face off until the moment it happened.

7 P.M.

All of the contestants had already assembled in the waiting room. Upon entering, each of them had been handed a support banner for their favorite contestant, which they held up as they entered the venue.

The contestants watched the scene unfold on the big screen in the waiting room, which displayed the live feed from the stage.

"Wow! So many people!"

The entire waiting room echoed with awestruck voices.

Ning Yang's gaze was fixed on the big screen, flitting past each face that flashed across it. Despite knowing it was impossible, she couldn't help but search for that one face.

After a twenty-second-long shot of the audience entering, the camera cuts elsewhere.

Ning Yang turned her eyes away from the screen, her lowered lashes hiding the disappointment that flickered within.

But it was also possible that her mother was watching from a small room somewhere, just like the last time they held auditions.

Currently, the control room.

Xiang Qingwei and Miss K sipped iced coffee as they sat inside the control room, air-conditioned air blowing on their faces as they watched the live feed from the cameras.

Before them was a wall of screens displaying everything each camera captured, and the largest screen in the center showed the contestants in the waiting room.

"We spent a hefty sum to bring in this South Korean costume designer just for this season. What do you think? Are the looks good?" Miss K asked.

Xiang Qingwei scanned the crowd for Ning Yang, and it didn't take long to spot him sitting in the third row, dressed all in black.

At that moment, Xiang Qingwei's eyes brightened at the sight of him.

This was the first time Xiang Qingwei had seen Ning Yang with his hair completely pulled back. His jet-black hair was slick and smooth, and this hairstyle unexpectedly suited him very well, as if he had shed his youthful inexperience.

His cold demeanor now exuded a sharp edge, and his facial features were striking, with not an ounce of excess fat on his face. His superior bone structure, high nose bridge, and smooth facial lines framed a handsome and elegant face.

Xiang Qingwei was relieved to see that the Korean stylist Miss K had hired hadn't done anything too fancy with Ning Yang's appearance, nor had they excessively adorned him.

His outfit was all black, from head to toe: a black shirt, black suit, and black tie, unbuttoned two layers. The black tie wasn't tied around his shirt collar but loosely around his neck, leaving the rest of his body black, save for skin that seemed almost snow-white beneath the collar.

Upon this icy handsome face, there existed only three colors: black hair, black eyes, and pale lips.

He looked like a rare flower blooming atop a snowy mountain peak.

Xiang Qingwei then paid particular attention to Yao Yuan.

Xiang Qingwei couldn't help but admit Yao Yuan truly deserved to be an idol. At a glance, he stood out amongst the other contestants, who were all dressed lavishly.

He wore a dark red silk velvet coat over a black silk shirt, his black hair gel-coated and combed neatly to the back, the straight bangs spilling elegantly over his forehead.

His eyes, sharp beneath his thin eyelids, were concealed behind a layer of black, but his faint smile hinted at an audacious allure, like a thorny rose.

Both Ning Yang and Yao Yuan flawlessly pulled off their looks. The Korean stylist seemed obsessed with fair skin, so all the contestants, regardless of their natural tones, had been coated in a layer of snow-white foundation.

Both Ning Yang and Yao Yuan had fair skin, so no matter how pale the foundation, it blended seamlessly into their complexions. However, some of the other contestants weren't so "fortunate."

Xiang Qingwei caught a glimpse of a contestant with a sun-kissed glow in the fleeting camera shots; a thick layer of white foundation had been applied to his face, creating stark contrast with his neck, and instead of accentuating his unique charisma, it had inadvertently concealed it.

So, for Miss K's question, Xiang Qingwei could only muster a "not bad" in response.

Ning Yang and Yao Yuan stood side by side, each leading their own teams.

Xiang Qingwei felt a twinge of concern. Both were undoubtedly the centers of their respective teams, split between the two factions.

Both of them were now major frontrunners.

Their mentors, likely hoping to watch the two teams face off, would most likely pit them against each other in the future.

Xiang Qingwei was confident that Ning Yang would win against anyone else, but only had a fifty percent confidence rate when it came to Yao Yuan.

"Are you nervous?" Miss K glanced at Xiang Qingwei, then handed her a cigarette. "Want one?"

"I've quit," Xiang Qingwei replied.

In this industry, the majority of men and women smoked. The stress of their work was not something the average person could understand; sometimes, they would go months on end with less than three hours of sleep a day, and smoking a cigarette was a small relief during times of great pressure.

Xiang Qingwei used to smoke, but she did so not because of stress, but because she hadn't yet developed her thick-skinned personality. 

It was embarrassing to refuse a cigarette when others offered it, and it was also embarrassing to accept and not smoke it, so she just went ahead and smoked.

However, she never took smoking seriously, doing so purely out of politeness or to avoid offending others.

This industry was a place where people chased fame and fortune. Many would consider themselves accomplished or those with seniority, feeling themselves superior to others, and if you refused their cigarette, they'd feel insulted.

At best, they'd show displeasure on their faces, but at worst, they'd sabotage you behind your back.

Those who had a higher status than them, they flattered; those who had a lower status, especially newcomers without any powerful sponsors, they would step on without hesitation, without the slightest burden on their conscience.

Many newcomers didn't even know that they had offended someone when it happened.

Xiang Qingwei had grown thicker-skinned and more confident over time. When others offered her cigarettes, she could wave her hand with a smile, saying she'd quit.

Upon seeing she wouldn't smoke, Miss K lit one for herself instead.

"Don't be nervous. I heard from the director that Ning Yang is the most diligent trainee among all the contestants. He's the first to enter the practice room every day and the last to leave. He's the only one on the entire list of top ten hard workers who also made it onto the C-list, and he's even the top trainee in terms of practice hours among all contestants. I've also heard that their group rehearsal went very well."

Miss K wasn't sure whether she should admire Ning Yang or Xiang Qingwei more. "Your eyes are truly sharp."

The corner of Xiang Qingwei's lips curled up slightly, and she extended an invitation. "I'll treat you to dinner tonight."

Miss K replied, "We're having a banquet at a private hotpot restaurant tonight; would you like to come?"

Xiang Qingwei suddenly thought of Zhou Yuehe. After that last strange encounter, the two didn't run into each other again. She couldn't recall where she had last seen him.

"Will the mentor be attending?" Xiang Qingwei asked.

"All the other mentors should be attending, but Zhou Yuehe probably won't. He never participates in these kinds of gatherings. The first recording session was an exception," Miss K answered.

Relieved to hear Zhou Yuehe wouldn't be attending, Xiang Qingwei said, "All right, then count me in."

"Lin Yuzhe seems to have the hots for you. After that dinner, he asked about you the next day, wanting your WeChat info." Miss K exhaled a slow cloud of smoke.

"But I didn't give it to him. His private life is a mess. A social media influencer tried to expose him for a threesome once, but it got squashed by his management with money. If he tries to contact you at night, you should be careful."

Xiang Qingwei was surprised to hear this. Although Lin Yuzhe was already in his early thirties, his public image was that of a cheerful and innocent young man.

He had seemed quite approachable during their interactions at the competition as well, and judging from the program, he didn't seem to put on airs before the contestants either.

Xiang Qingwei was quite familiar with the inner workings of the acting industry, but she didn't know much about the music industry. If not for Miss K, her impression of Lin Yuzhe would have remained quite positive. She thanked Miss K, accepting her goodwill.

At this time, Wei Cheng, the host, had already stepped onto the stage to warm up the crowd.

Miss K's words allowed Xiang Qingwei to relax, no longer worrying about the competition.

As long as Ning Yang could show his best self, even if he truly lost tonight, it would still be considered a victory, having delivered a classic stage performance.

After Wei Cheng finished warming up the crowd, the live performances began.

The camera lens scanned the fans below. Xiang Qingwei saw many fans holding Ning Yang's posters. The mentors were divided into two camps, each picking the first competitor they wanted to send out.

In the control room, the director sat before the surveillance screen holding a walkie-talkie, issuing command after command:

"Camera six in the waiting room, pull in for a close-up on the contestants."

"Pull in for close-ups on Ning Yang, Yao Yuan, and Tan Yi."

"Camera three, pull in for close-ups on the mentors."

"Camera five, pan to the stage and audience—good."

The two teams of mentors were Xue Fan and Lin Yuzhe versus Zhou Yuehe and Luo Wenxuan.

Xue Fan and Lin Yuzhe's team won the right to choose first.

They selected the diligent team.

This time, the teams were split not only by ability but also by diligence.

The ability team's C-positions were filled with contestants from Class A, while the diligent team's C-positions were filled with the contestants who had practiced the most during the preparation period.

Contestants like Ning Yang, who were both in Class A and at the top of the practice time rankings, were placed on the ability team.

The four mentors took their seats on the bench.

Xiang Qingwei couldn't help but pay more attention to Zhou Yuehe.

It seemed Zhou Yuehe had gotten a haircut; he wore a light blue button-up shirt underneath a gray knit sweater, a clean and refreshing outfit, yet in contrast to Luo Wenxuan's sweet smile beside him, Zhou Yuehe's face was rather expressionless, making him look stern and cold.

Xiang Qingwei watched as Zhou Yuehe and Luo Wenxuan exchanged a few words, and nodded in acknowledgment.

Luo Wenxuan then picked up the microphone. "The first team of contestants we will send out is—Tan Yi!"

The other competitors in the waiting room were surprised; no one had expected Tan Yi's team to be sent out so early.

The team, captained by Tan Yi, stood up amidst cheers and walked toward the exit of the waiting room.

"Tan Yi's got this in the bag," one competitor declared.

The diligent team versus the talented team, and Tan Yi was a top-five competitor overall.

Victory seemed already at hand.

"That may not be the case," Miss K said, extinguishing her cigarette and picking up her coffee cup again. 

"The stage is too unpredictable, and the cooperation and chemistry within the teams are also important. The audience's preferences at the live venue also play a significant part."

Xiang Qingwei deeply agreed.

This was the charm of programs like Super Idol: they were always full of unpredictability.

A contestant who seemed to have no outstanding qualities might move countless people with a single line or a well-timed close-up.

Conversely, a contestant who was initially popular could easily plummet in favor with a single misstep or a minor action.

The audience was always passionate yet fickle.

The diligent team versus the talented team; while the outcome seemed predetermined, there was no certainty.

Ten minutes later, both teams had finished their performances. The audience cast their votes, and Wei Cheng announced the tally.

To everyone's surprise, Tan Yi's talented team had lost to the diligent team.

Every competitor in the waiting room was stunned. In terms of performance, Tan Yi's group didn't make any mistakes. Their performance was flawless, and Tan Yi, as their center, shone brightly, his charisma explosive on stage.

Yet the diligent team wasn't bad either. They had more interactions and coordination between their members, and they even designed a difficult dance move specifically for their performance.

There was no clear gap in their abilities.

Perhaps it was because the diligent team had a more pleasing overall appearance, but they had defeated the talented team and won the first round.

On the judges' panel, Luo Wenxuan's face clearly showed her shock, but Zhou Yuehe wasn't surprised at all. Sometimes, having talent didn't guarantee that one would be favored by the audience or become popular.

Just like how Zhou Yuehe himself had become famous—without certain circumstances, he might have remained an unknown individual, perhaps forced to join a talent scouting program like this one instead of sitting high above as a judge.

After the first group's performance, the mentors gave their comments, and the contestants exited the stage. Though defeated, dejected, and unwilling to give up, the contestants also left with joy and relief. However, no one paid attention to their emotions; everyone's gaze had already fallen on the second group of competitors.

After an hour of recording, Ning Yang still hadn't appeared on stage, and it was time for a commercial break. Xiang Qingwei and Miss K got up to go to the restroom, taking the chance to touch up their makeup.

"Right now, Ning Yang must have a lot of endorsement deals in the works," Miss K asked while applying her makeup.

With Ning Yang's current popularity, even the sponsors of this show requested that he appear in their commercials. Other brands would surely not let the opportunity slide.

Xiang Qingwei said, "There's certainly no shortage of offers, but there aren't many brands that are a good fit. We're still discussing."

She was always very cautious when it came to signing endorsements for her artists; she made sure that the brand matched the artist's image and persona.

Once, a popular electric vehicle company offered Ling Jiayi an endorsement deal worth nearly ten million yuan, promising three advertisements over the course of a year. Yet Xiang Qingwei had rejected the offer without hesitation.

Ning Yang's current endorsement offers included one from a high-end cosmetics company, another from a chocolate brand, and another from a yogurt company. If everything went through, it would earn the company over a hundred million yuan.

However, this wasn't just an endorsement deal. There were already a few scripts for web series sent to Xiang Qingwei, including romance, campus, and even ancient costume dramas, all offering either the lead or second lead role with quite lucrative pay.

Nowadays, it wasn't uncommon for singers and idols to act, but Ning Yang was quite adverse to the idea of entering the world of television, so Xiang Qingwei rejected all these offers and instead focused on sending Ning Yang variety show offers.

In the entertainment industry, the most profitable career path wasn't acting in films or TV series, nor was it endorsements; it was reality television. A celebrity like Ling Jiayi could easily charge seven digits for a single episode of a reality show, usually filmed in one day.

However, aside from promotional duties, Ling Jiayi personally refused all offers for reality shows, which had always frustrated the company. They estimated they lost over a million yuan in potential earnings each year.

Meanwhile, Ning Yang's variety show quote was quickly approaching seven digits as well.

And this was only the price for now; once Ning Yang debuted, his price would only rise.

The entertainment industry was a world of haves and have-nots. As long as you were red-hot, money would flow into your pockets in a steady stream. 

However, achieving that red-hot status was no easy feat. How many struggling, small-time celebrities were there, yearning to become stars, barely making a living?

Hundreds of film crews worked each year, but only dozens of completed TV series made it to air. Of those, perhaps one or two would be considered hits, and only a handful of actors would make it big.

Yet how many aspiring young actors and celebrities harbored dreams of fame but couldn't even land roles?

"You're a celebrity in the industry now. This month alone, I've had countless people asking for your WeChat," Miss K said.

Xiang Qingwei had truly proven herself. Having launched Ling Jiayi, given Tao Yuner a chance to revitalize her career, and having signed Ning Yang before his debut, she had already made a name for herself.

Who among her peers wasn't envious?

To claim that launching one or two stars was just luck would be one thing, but if she continued to enjoy success with every single talent she discovered, it would no longer be believable to attribute it all to luck.

Her peers eyed her with envy.

And those who had yet to become famous? Every single one of them hoped to get the attention of the gold medal talent manager, Xiang Qingwei.


The entire book has been translated, with a total of 414K words and more than 1,200 pages.

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