Escape Under the Sea Chapter 15

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  Lu Jia stared blankly at him. She was dumbfounded because of this. It took a long time for her to find her voice.

  "…But haven't we already fooled them? Forget about abandoning the car, at most, I'll change to another car. What's the situation of spending the night near the Grand Canyon?"

  Phoenix pursed her thin lips. After a moment of silence, she said," Because I didn't tell you before that the FBI wasn't the only one involved in the arrest. There were other organizations as well."

  She subconsciously wanted to ask who else was there?

  But reason told Lu Jia that it was better not to sink deeper, because in connection with his semantics, this must be no less than the former organization.

  To be honest, Phoenix was just a dangerous stranger to her. She really didn't have to take such a big risk for him.

  Lu Jia looked at the man in front of her and tried to bargain." I can help you buy these things, but you have to let me leave. It's too dangerous."

  "If you want to abandon the car, why don't I drive them away for you…"

  In the silent car, Phoenix tapped the steering wheel gently with his fingers. A moment later, he leaned forward. His beautiful eyes became deep and threatening under his straight eyebrows.

  "Are you sure, Lou?"

  Of course, Lu Jia was certain that she wanted to stay away from this seemingly endless danger.

  Moreover, Lu Jia was only here for tourism and was coerced by Phoenix. Things might not be as bad as he said.

  Phoenix was probably trying to intimidate her so that she wouldn't dare to resist.

  Therefore, Lu Jia raised her head. Although she felt very nervous, she still looked at Phoenix firmly.

  "Don't worry, I'll immediately change my ticket to return home after I drive away. I won't stay and implicate you!"

  Phoenix glanced up at her and caught her expression.

  He was silent for a moment. The sun outside the window shone through the glass and shone on his long golden eyelashes, as if he was seriously considering the feasibility of this matter.

  Then, Phoenix spoke reluctantly," Alright, the plan you mentioned seems to be feasible. Maybe it can really mislead them."

  " So…you agree?!"

  Phoenix turned his handsome face slightly and stared at Lu Jia in front of him. His grayish-blue eyes were crystal clear and did not seem fake. His thin lips opened slightly.

  "I agree."

  Lu Jia was extremely surprised by the sudden release of the password. More importantly, she could tell from Phoenix's expression that he didn't seem to be lying.

  Thinking that she could finally end this painful trip to the United States, she widened her eyes in excitement and could not help but dance in her seat.

  She could finally return home!

  Lu Jia really couldn't stay in this damn place for another day!

  Things had taken a turn for the better. She even excitedly reached out to hug Phoenix in front of her. At the same time, she promised seriously," Don't worry, I'll definitely buy you a lot of time to escape!"

  Phoenix's expression was still unclear. She nodded noncommittally.

  Then, as if he had suddenly thought of something, he frowned and said," Oh right, my friend will come to pick me up at the Grand Canyon. Help her buy a sports suit. She's slightly taller than you. Just buy a bigger size."

  ... her?

  Lu Jia was slightly stunned. Obviously, she didn't expect that there would be a girl willing to risk danger to come here to " survive in the wilderness " with him.

  - Not a girlfriend?

  Thinking of this, Lu Jia's mood became complicated for some reason. Although she could understand that a person who fled everywhere might do something against his will because he had no choice, this did not stop Lu Jia from feeling worthless towards his girlfriend.

  In short, after experiencing what happened in these two days, in Lu Jia's heart, Phoenix, whom she kissed and hugged, was already a man without any male virtue.

  As expected, girls really couldn't be too love-minded.

  However, this had nothing to do with Lu Jia, who was about to be freed from him. She didn't express her thoughts, but vowed to pat her chest.

  "Don't worry, I still have a certain understanding of this aspect. I promise to buy everything you need!"

  Phoenix was stunned for a moment. Then, the corners of her charming lips curled up and gradually widened." Okay, I'll leave it to you then."

  The excited Lu Jia took a few deep breaths in the car. After calming down, she slowly got out of the car.

  The outdoor store in front of the car wasn't small. Lu Jia was afraid that there might be cameras in it that might hinder her way home, so she asked Phoenix to open the trunk and take out the cap from her luggage to put it on.

  Just as she was about to walk over, Phoenix suddenly stopped her.


  Lu Jia stopped and turned around to see Phoenix's tall body walking towards her.

  "Your hat isn't on."

  As he spoke, he raised his hand and lowered Lu Jia's hat. Lu Jia nodded heavily from the pressure. Just as he was about to complain, he felt a slight touch on her temples in the next second.

  In her limited vision, Lu Jia saw his slender fingers helping her to brush the messy hair behind her ears. At the same time, he also lowered his head and moved closer to Lu Jia's ears.

  "Act according to the situation and try not to attract attention."

  Phoenix handed Lu Jia a wad of cash as she spoke, then quietly retreated.

  Lu Jia felt that her ears were a little fuzzy, but she didn't care about it and just took it in a daze.

  She finally reacted and could not help but curse at the man for having too many tricks. At the same time, she quietly raised her hand and rubbed her ears before walking into the shop as if nothing had happened.

  When it came to actions related to her safety, Lu Jia was much more cautious. She didn't dare to look up at the camera because she was afraid that her face would be photographed.

  She walked around the store and quickly put a hiking bag, a sports suit for each man and woman, a tent, a sleeping bag for two, a heated aluminum military kettle, flint, a map of the American West, and some food in the cart.

  These were the items Phoenix had mentioned earlier.

  However, according to Lu Jia's superficial understanding of the Colorado Grand Canyon, this is a very obvious Danxia landscape, steep cliffs and steep slopes, not easy to walk, so he bought climbing ropes and hiking poles, in case of injury and also took some common medical supplies.

  Besides, she thought Phoenix might need a pair of hiking shoes that fit her feet. She would have to go out and ask him for his size later.

  Because the items were really quite a lot, Lu Jia could only take half of the items after paying the bill. How to stuff these things into the car had obviously become a big problem.

  Just as she was distressed, she looked up and saw Phoenix leaning against the side of the car, waiting for her quietly.

  Lu Jia paused slightly. She couldn't help but feel complicated when she thought that today was the last day she would spend with Phoenix, this scumbag man.

  However, she still jogged in his direction.

  Phoenix was very tall, so she walked forward in two or three steps. She reached out and took the bags from Lu Jia's hands. At the same time, she opened the trunk and carefully stacked these things in an orderly manner before she stuffed them into it.

  Lu Jia looked at his outstanding profile and whispered that she wanted to help him buy another pair of hiking shoes.

  Phoenix glanced at her.

  "Help my friend buy a pair too."

  After learning that Lu Jia was a size 5.5, he thought for a moment and said," Her shoe size should be about the same as yours. Just in case, buy a bigger size."

  Therefore, Lu Jia went into the shop again and bought two pairs of special hiking shoes.

  Perhaps it was because Lu Jia, a young lady, repeatedly came in and bought so many things, which seemed a little strange. The fat uncle who paid the bill finally couldn't help but be curious and looked up at her.

  Lu Jia was a little caught off guard and didn't have time to think. She was so scared that she quickly lowered her head and pretended to be counting money.

  This cost over a thousand dollars. Lu Jia put the rest of the money into her pocket and walked out of the store quickly with two pairs of shoes.

  Phoenix helped Lu Jia open the car door. She sat in the passenger seat and placed the shoe box beside her feet.

  With a bang, the car door closed, Phoenix started the car and drove Lu Jia back to Colorado.


  Perhaps she knew that she would be able to leave this place soon, Lu Jia felt that the bare and winding red land outside the window had become full of charm. She couldn't help but open the window and listen to the wind blowing in her ears, more or less recovering her mood to appreciate the scenery.

  Phoenix didn't follow Luka's original plan to head to the most popular South Rim of Grand Canyon National Park. Instead, he changed his route and headed north to the closer West Canyon. It took only a little more than half an hour to arrive.

  This was an Indian reserve, not under the jurisdiction of the national park. The scenery was more primitive, but there were still tourists walking in groups of two or three.

  Phoenix stopped the car at a corner without cameras before entering the West Gorge. Then, he went around to the trunk and quickly put the things Lu Jia had just bought into his oversized mountain bag.

  Lu Jia didn't expect that the time to part ways with Phoenix would be up so quickly, so she also walked to the back of the car to help.

  "Is this where we part?"

  She asked expectantly.

  Phoenix's hands didn't stop moving. She put on her climbing suit and turned to glance at Lu Jia." The car can drive a little further. We can proceed to the next step after we enter."

  Lu Jia nodded and reached out to stuff the mountaineering clothes Phoenix had prepared for his " friend " into it.

  Phoenix suddenly grabbed her wrist." Don't put this in. I'll give it to her when I see her."

  ... That's true. Otherwise, it would be troublesome to put it in and take it out.

  Soon, the trunk was filled with Lu Jia's luggage, Phoenix's hiking bag, and a set of women's hiking clothes.

  Phoenix had thrown the packaging of the items that had been removed into a row of garbage bins by the roadside. Because there were few pedestrians, their behavior did not attract the slightest attention.

  This time, after making final preparations, Phoenix finally drove into the Grand Canyon West Gorge.

  Phoenix got out of the car and looked at the map after passing by the visitor center. Then, she followed the directions and stopped at the innermost part of the West Canyon where there were as few people as possible. Looking from afar, there were many tourists waiting by the Colorado River at the bottom of the valley.

  Lu Jia couldn't help but sigh in her heart as she walked over. This place was unexpectedly interesting. She could fly across the Grand Canyon by helicopter. Deep in the route, there were also scenic spots such as Sky Trail and Bat Rock.

  However, none of this could stop Lu Jia from returning home.

  She vowed that at Phoenix's command, she would immediately head to Las Vegas, the nearest big city, and try to get there and change her ticket home.

  Therefore, Lu Jia stood beside the car under the scorching sun, sweating a little, but full of expectation.

  Phoenix, on the other hand, took out her backpack from the trunk and carried it on her back. Then, she put her alpenstock on the ground and tried it out. She lifted it up to look at the metal tip at the bottom of the alpenstock.

  Lu Jia looked at his movements and deliberately explained," The ground here is full of fine sand. When you walk, your shoes will sink in slightly, and the alpenstock can provide some assistance."

  As she spoke, she muttered in her heart, hoping that he would leave quickly so that she could drive away as soon as possible.

  "…It's pretty good."

  Phoenix nodded slightly, then walked to the car and took a step back abruptly.


  Lu Jia looked at him in confusion. For a moment, she didn't understand what he wanted.

  However, almost in the next second, Phoenix raised his hand holding the climbing stick high, then arched his back like a beast and swung it hard at the tires of the car.



  The tires of the sports car were punctured by Caspar Phoenix in a pristine Indian landscape.

  The author says:

  Ahahaha, I swear, really, really there will be a crematorium back there.

  Everyone should have guessed it.)



The entire book has been translated, with a total of 205K words and more than 420 pages.

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