Escape Under the Sea Chapter 13

   ◎ Plan change (overhaul) ◎


  Lu Jia and Phoenix checked out early in the morning, ready to embark on a new journey.

  If you can call it a journey.

  While paying at the front desk, the younger brother sized up the " little couple " who were so close to each other. Finally, his naked eyes wandered around Lu Jia.

  He still remembered this Asian girl. When the two detectives came to question her, she and her boyfriend were kissing like glue. The man's strong arms tightly outlined each other's petite but exquisite curves. It was really hard to judge a person by her appearance, so he couldn't help but take a few more glances.

  Lu Jia also remembered that this receptionist was also there at that time. Although she didn't know what he was thinking, he didn't have a good look.

  Just as she was about to glare back, she felt Phoenix pull her into his arms and ask coldly," What are you looking at?"

  The thick and heavy arm suddenly hung on Lu Jia's neck. She was shocked. The weather had already started to heat up, and the place where her skin touched quickly heated up. Perhaps because she hadn't slept well for many days, the pressure made her neck ache even more uncomfortable.

  Phoenix looked like a reckless teenager pretending to be a coveted girlfriend. Fortunately, his appearance made his face look at least five years younger, but even if that was not the case, males were animals of all ages in violated territories.

  "Nothing, nothing…"

  The emaciated receptionist immediately lowered his eyes in trepidation and quickly settled the accommodation fee before sending the two guests away.

  Lu Jia reluctantly muttered a thank you. Then, she walked to the parking lot and prepared to get into the car.

  However, after realizing that Phoenix had opened a car that she didn't know, she couldn't understand why her car had changed into a white sports car.

  "I helped you return your car yesterday morning. I returned it by myself and no one saw me."

  Lu Jia wisely didn't ask. She wanted him to change cars because she expected that the two detectives might find them again.

  At the same time, when she saw Phoenix sitting in the driver's seat, Lu Jia thought that she could rest well and not drive long distances, so she sat in the front passenger's seat with peace of mind.

  It wasn't that she had to sit next to Phoenix, but this sports car only had two seats, so Lu Jia had no choice.

  The car started, the hot wind blew, and the bright sunlight shone down. However, Lu Jia's mood at this time was completely different from the excitement she had when she first came to the United States.

  The weather was very hot, and the air conditioner in the room had been turned on the whole time last night. Therefore, after she woke up, she felt that her throat was very dry. Lu Jia picked up the bottle and carefully took a sip of water.

  She sighed subconsciously and turned to look at Phoenix, who was silent beside her. Phoenix seemed to have noticed her gaze and turned to glance at her quickly.

  Perhaps she misunderstood Lu Jia's meaning, Phoenix unfolded the folding roof of the sports car to block the scorching sun and then turned on the air conditioner.

  A moment later, the cool air was accompanied by a hoarse cough that sounded like an old man coughing his lungs out.


  Lu Jia glanced at Phoenix with disdain and pretended to say," Wow, this car is really good."

  Phoenix was silent for a long time before he said," This car is a modified old car. Considering the price, it's not a bad choice."

  Lu Jia gave a short 'oh' sound and raised her head to drink a few mouthfuls of water to ease the awkwardness.

  The next trip should be to the Colorado Grand Canyon, which Lu Jia had been looking forward to, but the two people in the car didn't talk. Phoenix didn't even turn on the music. The air conditioning was creaking in her ears, which was extremely annoying.

  Lu Jia couldn't help but turn her head and look out the window. It was still barren and bare, with only some common desert shrubs growing in clusters.

  Phoenix probably felt very irritated as well. In the end, she turned off the air conditioner and opened the car window. The howling hot air carried away the heat so that it wouldn't be too hot.

  Las Vegas to Grand Canyon National Park is only about four hours as the crow flies, but because Luga's itinerary will pass through Route 66, it will take a few detours.

  However, Phoenix was driving very fast. They probably only had about half of the journey left.

  However, Lu Jia sat in the car for a while and suddenly felt that something was not good.

  She drank a glass of milk in the motel dining room in the morning, and after hurrying off, drank half a bottle of water intermittently to quench her thirst, and her stomach began to swell slightly.

  Lu Jia wanted to go to the toilet.

  If she was driving alone, Lu Jia would have stopped. However, Phoenix was also traveling with her.

  At first, Lu Jia felt that she could endure it. No matter what, she had to find a place with a toilet. Wasn't it too unsafe in the wild?

  However, Lu Jia looked all the way over. This place was a vast area of desolation, filled with the beauty of a nostalgic western movie. Therefore, she didn't even see a brick, let alone a toilet!

  However, Lu Jia couldn't hold it in anymore. She suddenly placed her hand on Phoenix's arm beside her. Her fingers tightened on his well-defined arm, leaving a white fingerprint on his skin.


  "-I have to go to the bathroom."

  Lu Jia interrupted him, turned her head and looked at him with despair. She repeated," I have to go to the toilet."

  Phoenix frowned and glanced at her. After hesitating for a moment, she suddenly turned the steering wheel and drove from the relatively smooth road into the potholed dry land. Then, she almost threw her off the road.

  He raised his eyebrows at Lu Jia, seemingly with ill intentions." Go ahead."

  Lu Jia looked at the barren and exposed ground outside, then turned to look at Phoenix beside her. She said righteously,"... Continue driving. I can hold it."

  "There's no one here."

  "Aren't you human?"

  Big eyes staring small eyes.

  It would be fine if it was covered, but the key was that this place was too primitive. It was really unacceptable for her to take off her pants and expose herself.

  What if this pervert peeks at her when she goes to the bathroom?

  Phoenix sighed helplessly, perhaps guessing Lu Jia's thoughts." I'm not interested in it."

  Lu Jia only grabbed his hand and said with an embarrassed expression," I can still bear it. Continue driving…Drive faster!"

  Phoenix had no choice but to drive the car back onto the road. After the bump, he suddenly stepped on the accelerator. The strong feeling of pushing his back made Lu Jia quickly pull the handle on the side of the car and shout," You broken car is driving so fast, don't fall apart!"

  Phoenix calmly turned to look at her." Aren't you in a hurry to go to the toilet?"

  Lu Jia felt the crazy hot wind whistling. Her hair was scattered, and she couldn't even feel the heat. She finally couldn't help but scream!


  She swore that she would never drink water outside again!

  Phoenix found a small road from somewhere and drove to a remote town not far from the highway. Soon, she found a restaurant. Lu Jia didn't care about manners at this time and quickly went in to settle her life's important matters.

  A few minutes later, she came out of the toilet with an ugly expression. The inside was not clean. In addition, Phoenix had just driven very fast, so she felt a little nauseous.

  Finally, Lu Jia returned to the car with a pale face. She took a sip of water and said," Let's continue walking."

  Phoenix reboots the sports car.

  However, Lu Jia realized after a while that he didn't continue to return to the original road. Instead, he seemed to have a new idea. He circled around the town as if he was looking for something.

  Lu Jia looked at him frequently, hoping Phoenix would take the initiative to explain, but he didn't have any intention of expressing his thoughts at all. He kept looking ahead without saying a word.

  Lu Jia couldn't help but feel very confused. What was he trying to do?

  Finally, Phoenix stopped at a small outdoor store.

  He put out the fire and turned to Lu Jia with a serious face." To be on the safe side, I can't show myself. I need you to go in and buy a map of the western United States, a sports suit that fits my size, a tent, a military kettle, a flint…"

  At first, Lu Jia thought that he was lost, but the more she listened, the more shocked she became. She studied geography, so how could she not understand the purpose of these items?

  "-What do you want?"

  Lu Jia finally couldn't help but interrupt him." Do you want to survive in the wilderness like Bear Grylls?"

  Perhaps she felt that this matter was a little funny, she could not help but laugh dryly.

  However, Phoenix did not laugh along with her. Instead, she looked at her with a serious expression and did not have any intention of refuting her.

  " In order to avoid their pursuit, we need to change our plans at any time, so…I think we have to abandon the car and spend the night near the Grand Canyon."

  The author says:

  This chapter is a bit awkward, but later to survive in the wilderness, as a foreshadowing bar (forced truth

  Sorry, sorry, I really don't have time to write too many words for the wedding this weekend. I can only send it very roughly first, and I will revise it later.



The entire book has been translated, with a total of 205K words and more than 420 pages.

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